
Raising $400k to scale the business and hire more people

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RootsView's mission is to help users create meaningful connections with their ancestors. We are a genealogy platform focused on improving the user experience, while the major platforms have been focusing on increasing the number of records available for research.  With our patented technology, we address most of the users' problems in the industry:

- Navigate the family tree twice as faster than current templates
- See where the family come from plotted on a map
- Research multiple genealogy platforms with just one click
- Back up the family tree in the cloud
- NO ONE has access to the data except those the user chooses to share with
- Use the ancestor profile page to see ancestor's insights
- Upload pictures, videos, audio files, and write down memories/notes of ancestors
- Click on info cards to understand the world the ancestor lived in (country, culture, the year he/she was born, etc.)

We currently have 7,000 registered users and 40 paid users (still working on the product market fit, but very close)

Click here to see our pitch.

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