EGP publishes tabletop roleplaying and board games based on iconic blockbuster movie franchises. Its flagship product is Everyday Heroes, a rules system based on the popular Dungeons & Dragons mechanics and made for modern-day and science fiction genres. As an extension of this system, EGP publishes several adventures based on movie-licensed properties such as Pacific Rim, Highlander, and Rambo. Evil Genius Games is one of the few 100% black-owned businesses in the industry.
The Market
The market is approximately $30B in size with over 40 million people playing role-playing games worldwide. The market is dominated by Hasbro’s Dungeons & Dragons, a property that generated over $1B last year.
The Customer
Thanks to the popularity of “Stranger Things” and other nerd culture programming, the TTRPG industry has seen massive customer growth. It is estimated that 100m people play games with over 40m people play Dungeons & Dragons alone. The majority of customers are 35-65-year-old males with a household income of $100k per year. These customers are loyal, sticky, and consistent purchasers. They spend $530 per year on these kinds of products.
Our Products
Our flagship product is Everyday Heroes - a 464-page core rulebook that gives you everything you need to run a modern-day adventure. Building on top of our core system are the Cinematic Adventures. These are 128-page books that have world-building details and new rules to run games within these iconic film licenses. For instance, the Pacific Rim adventure explains how the Kaiju appeared, the history of the Jaeger program, and the current state of the world. It also provides rules for creating characters who can pilot jaegers as well as building your own custom mech. It's everything that a game master needs to create their own adventure set within the Pacific Rim universe.
The Team
Dave Scott is a three-time tech entrepreneur. He started this company with the legendary
Jeff Grubb - designer of the original modern RPG and major D&D worlds such as Ravenloft, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, and SpellJammer.
Owen KC Stephens, our Editor in Chief, was responsible for designing the Star Wars, Pathfinder, and Starfinder RPG.
To date, EGP has been self-financed by its owner (over $250k). To generate additional operating funds, EGP launched its first Kickstarter campaign in April 2022 and raised $395k (funded in 15 minutes) and another $150k in late pledges. In other words, we’ve made $550k in pre-orders, months before the product hits the shelves.
Use of Funds
EGP is seeking a $500k convertible note to bridge their to profitability and accelerate its product timeline.
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