I would like to clarify my idea, it not just an idea, it is a real project:
I have a company, it is a Private-owned Commercial Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVOP) with our physical location at, Quebec, Canada. We provide internet cable and DSL, VoIP Telephony, and long-distance service for our customers. I want to sell my project to do it in other provinces of Canada in wireless Mobile internet, which we shall use in regions where we have neither the cable nor the DSL. In these areas, we shall provide reliable LTE 4G service for Data and Mobile.
To implement these objectives, the new project is seeking investment to start with 10 regions, the cost by region is $760,000USD. The need by region is $155000 and the government provides a grant until 70%. To cover all the 10 regions, we need a total of $1,550.000. There are more than 10 regions, but at least we can start with 10 areas. Before to be taken by other people. I have a grant from the government, you have only to cover the 30% by yourself.
If you have some suggestions to start, I will appreciate.
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