Empyrean Energy

Developers of disruptive renewable energy device seek $7,000,000. Significantly outperforms solar. Stellar financial returns

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Description of the Opportunity

Empyrean Energy has proprietary knowledge in extracting electricity from water molecules from the earth’s atmosphere. Empyrean Energy’s Chief Technology Director has more than 30 years’ experience in critical aspects necessary to develop this technology. Experienced management is also in place to exploit this technology. We are positioned to be the leader in this new and exciting technology which we feel will outpace all energy forms over time. This represents a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Empyrean versus Solar

When considering the advantages of Empyrean Energy power cells compared to solar one logically considers the space available for each installation.  A few examples below:

1. Footprint to install12 X 400 watt solar panels that generate 3.6 KWH per day would be 3,000 ft2 or 300m2

2. Footprint to install 1kw  continuous Empyrean power cells is 1 m3 or 10 ft3 and it would produce 24 KWH per day!
The average American home consumes 23kwh per day. One can easily see how much greater possibility there is to find the area to install the Empyrean cell as opposed to solar panels.

Solar installed capacity in the USA is 100,000 megawatts. This includes industrial installations. As of 2020 3.7% of American homes have some solar panels. Today's estimate of cost to install residential solar is from $18,000 to $35,000 per home ( Batteries  not included). Keep in mind these panels produce energy only when the sun shines and they require specific proximity to the sun to produce.

Empyrean cells utilize flexible location possibilities and could even become architectural additions due to flexibility in cell design and configuration.  Current estimates of Empyrean cost are about $13,000 for an average house (Batteries Not Included). The major difference will be that Empyrean cells will produce power 24 hours per day and one cell would power an entire house. This would mean a house could reasonably be powered totally with renewable energy eliminating fossil fuels totally.

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