Emerald Turbine Innovations (ETI) is currently working on an aircraft engine that operates solely off of compressed air, which will be self-sufficient in the production of power necessary for sustained flight. ETI has also begun applying these concepts we have developed for the automotive, marine, and small engine industries as well. Our team is made up of United States Air Force veterans totaling a combined 70 years' worth of knowledge in the aviation industry and have a passion for the production of power as it pertains to flight.
The aviation industry itself accounts for over 4% of the worlds GDP and is a trillion-dollar industry. We have the opportunity to amass wealth based off of patent royalties, consulting fees, production, and overall agreements to utilize the technology and methods that we will produce and continue to improve upon. Once our company has attained the success, we feel is minimum to achieve in the aviation industry, we have plans to expand immediately and capitalize off of our momentum into the automotive industry.
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