Raising $4 million for wearable tech startup.

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My wearable technology company ELITEX, is projected to revolutionize several industries, and directly impact the lives of over a billion individuals, as well as aggressively contributing to the advant of the sustainable energy transition. Essentially, the wearable technology market is rapidly emerging, and we expect nothing less than to stand as an unprecedented success (given that cell phones will most likely become obsolete) it’s time to make way for the new . Attracting only the most exceptional team, and vigorously running toward our profound vision, it’s hard to overstate the significance of ELITEX,  
With products directly impacting the lives of over a billion individuals,( as well as providing  products to the sports and medicine sectors,) we are also a brand that contributes to  the advent of sustainable energy .  Shocking the world with what is not thought to be possible, The funding will go to creating  our working “magic skin” prototype, and doing whatever it takes to create unparalleled success, to stand as one of the most important brands in history.. 

Let the future tell the truth. Evaluate each one  towards  their accomplishments. The present is theirs, but the glory of the world belongs to those who follow their great visions.

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