Echo Tango Sierra LLC

Empowering veterans with comprehensive transition services to thrive in civilian life—invest in their future today.

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We are seeking angel investment to subsidize the cost of our transition services for veterans who cannot afford them, as well as completing backend start up operations. Since my separation from military service, access to my military community has become limited. Therefore, I am seeking other creative avenues to expand outreach by seeking marketing and advertising in sources such as, My Base Guide and social media.

The disconnect between our separation from military service and the transition to civilian life is substantial. From my own personal experience, it is why Echo Tango Sierra was born.

Here’s a general overview of the situation regarding service members transitioning to civilian life:

 1. Transitioning Service Members: Each year, approximately 200,000 service members transition out of the U.S. military, according to the Department of Defense’s data. This represents a significant population entering civilian life with various needs and challenges.

 2. Challenges in Transition: Surveys and studies often reflect that a substantial proportion of these veterans face challenges during their transition. For instance, a survey by the Pew Research Center noted that about 27% of veterans found it somewhat to very difficult to transition to civilian life. This difficulty is often more pronounced among veterans who served in the post-9/11 era compared to those who served in previous eras.

 3. Employment Issues: Unemployment rates for veterans can often exceed that of the civilian population, particularly in the months immediately following their transition. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, younger veterans aged 18-24 exhibit notably higher unemployment rates compared to their civilian peers.

 4. Underemployment and Job Fit: Beyond unemployment, underemployment and poor job fit are significant issues, with many veterans taking positions that underutilize their skills or do not match their career aspirations. This misalignment can lead to job dissatisfaction and economic instability.

 5. Mental Health Concerns: Mental health is a major area of concern. Reports from various veterans’ health studies indicate that a significant percentage of transitioning veterans suffer from mental health issues, which can include PTSD, anxiety, and depression. These issues can complicate their transition, affecting their ability to find and maintain employment and integrate socially.

 6. Lack of Comprehensive Support: While there are numerous programs aimed at helping veterans transition, gaps remain in addressing the full spectrum of their needs—particularly in areas such as mental health, comprehensive career counseling, and tailored educational opportunities.

These points underscore the substantial need for enhanced services and support systems to better aid veterans in their transition to civilian life. It’s important to continue advocating for and developing services that address these specific areas to improve outcomes for transitioning service members.

Your support will enable us to extend these vital resources to all veterans, as well as launching products and additional services at an affordable cost that can help bring in an additional stream of revenue, ensuring no one is left behind due to financial constraints. 

Your support will enable us to extend these vital resources to all veterans, as well as launching products at an affordable cost that can help bring in an additional stream of revenue, ensuring no one is left behind due to financial constraints. 

We are seeking a start up investment of a minimum of $60,000 that can provide a solid foundation to launch and expand key initiatives and administrative costs. 

This funding will help us establish the critical elements of our services and potentially attract further investment as we demonstrate the impact and value of our programs. The feedback I have received so far is how valuable and greatly needed our services are but not at affordable rates. Here is an example of a veteran that was able to provide his input for what I’m doing at a recent company pitch: 

Based on our breakdown and estimated costs, the numbers based on $60k is as follows for intended expenditures:

 1. ETS Mini Webinar Series: $3,500
 2. My Base Guide Advertisement: $10,000 (minimum)
 3. Learning Management System Completion: $1,000
 4. Publishing of Transition Guide: Average $7,500 (middle of our estimated range)
 5. Production or Commercial Costs: Estimated $5,000
 6. Administrative Costs/Backend Operations: Estimated at $500/month, totaling $6,000 annually
 7. Expansion: Estimated $10,000

Total Estimated Cost: $43,000

Veteran Support Costs (assuming we plan to subsidize sessions for a certain number of veterans):

 • Example calculation for a moderate scenario where we support 10 veterans at an average of 5 hours each:
 • 10 veterans x $750 = $7,500

Total Projected Expenditures including Veteran Support: $5,500

+ $10,000 for contingencies: 20% for unforeseen circumstances 

 • Ongoing Costs: Ensure the sustainability of funded operations beyond the initial period, especially for recurring costs like advertisement and backend operations.
 • Fundraising and Additional Revenue: Consider any potential income from the webinars, guide sales, or sponsorships that might offset some of the costs.

If these factors might increase expenses, we may consider raising more than $60k to comfortably cover all areas and sustain the project longer. Conversely, if there are revenue streams that are certain and can be quantified, they might reduce the total amount of external funding required.

As we move forward, we will be sure to track our expenses and outcomes closely. This will not only help us manage our budget effectively but also provide valuable data to share with current and future investors about the success and efficiency of our programs.

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