A Social media app for enthusiasts. No cats, no pics of food just cars, trucks, bikes, and boats.

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This is social media company that we have just launched for vehicles, which in this market would help those who want to share th eir vehicles with friends or the public via online media allowing safe distancing.  With our team of engineers and myself with over 30 yrs experience with cars, trucks, boats and bikes we have a unique  section of the social media market that spends a lot of money on a variety of products making us an excellent place to use for marketing. With companies like FORD, FCA, BMW and Ferrari to name just a few there is infinite possibilities for income.
That is just one avenue for revenue as we are also  going to have a "parts" area for people to sell their own parts. Also, a swap meet that will allow you to sell or barter  vehicles. 
We are seeking 5 million dollars to get our business to the next level adding side by side stream racing. We are also adding space for clubs, cruises, car shows, bikes, boat racing and shows. There is no limit to potential for income! The app will be available on google play store this week and on itunes by August 28th. Please contact me for further info.

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