Dream Preparatory Academy, INC

Donating to our organization will create impact! The amount requested will help 15 new students come to DREAM for quality education in an underserved community here in the upstate.

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We are a nonprofit organization in a Title One area that offers Montessori & STEAM-based curriculums for the youth. Helping the community with weekend care, afterschool, and summer programs to enhance their education. We pride ourselves on having teachers who are certified with continuous training. We have the opportunity to be in the community locally and strategically help those in need. We have a sponsorship program as well to help support our mission and vision here at DREAM. We want to continue growing programs for underserved children and work on the quality of partnering with major companies to grow with our STEAM program. We want to shape young minds and help give parents support and better resources. Our Mission Statement: To Improve youth confidence through independence in a natural environment, while creating a technological impact to improve learning programs. Our Vision is to empower the youth through community engagements with innovative approaches to education. Building Impact in creating healthy relationships while improving our community. Helping these students not only helps build our school with amazing students but also helps teachers live, giving hope to the administration who are working for Free to make ends meet. You're helping the mom or dad come to our school and receive free gently used clothes. You're helping the community who needs it! Thank you for your support!

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