Dragonfly TV Network

The First Non Woke TV Network Filling a HUGE MARKET NEED! CEO is a Top Creative for Brad Pitt Films

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The FIRST Non Woke Common Sense TV Network
“Putting the Sting Back into TV”

(Collateralized Loan Request)

Raise: $1 Million

Structure: Privately Held U.S. Corporation, stock issuance

Network Location: Apple TV, ROKU, FIRE TV, Android Platforms.

Network Reach: 230 Million Households world wide in 165 countries globally.

Network Launch: Dragonfly TV network launches globally on August 2nd 2024.

Mission Statement:

At DRAGONFLY TV NETWORK, our mission is to redefine television entertainment by providing a platform for viewers seeking specifically non-woke, powerful, unique, honest, logical, fact based and thought-provoking, content. We are dedicated to offering a refreshing alternative in today's media landscape by programing and producing content that celebrates integrity, inspires character growth, and resonate with the depth of human emotions.


  1. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and moral principles in our storytelling, production, and business practices.
  2. Character Development: We believe in creating content that challenges viewers, fosters personal growth, and showcases the complexity of human character.
  3. Heartfelt Narratives: We strive to touch the hearts of our audience by crafting narratives that evoke genuine emotions, empathy, and connection.
  4. Excellence: We are committed to delivering top-tier entertainment that is innovative, engaging, and resonant with our viewers.
  5. Community Impact: We aim to inspire positive change and make a meaningful impact on society through our stories, initiatives, and partnerships.
This mission and values statement reflect DRAGONFLY TV NETWORK's commitment to providing meaningful, engaging, and impactful television content centered around integrity, character, and heart.


James Lay-Founder, Creator and CEO 

A Professor for the Masters in Film Program at the largest private art and design University in the United States, Professor Lay has a tremendously successful career as a top creative contributor on some of the biggest films in the past 25 years with over 60 feature film credits with films featuring Brad Pitt, Francis Ford Coppola and $2.4 Billion in box office sales. Professor Lay is a successful Writer, Director, Producer, Composer, Sound Designer, Visual FX Supervisor working in all of these areas of film production over the past 25 years. Professor Lay has a vast knowledge base and intuitive interpersonal skills to create a team of professionals to launch the Dragonfly TV Network globally;“We are about to fill one of the largest gaps in media content today as Hollywood leans into more and more non meritocracy based programming(content based on something other than the quality of your work) we will focus on the fundamentals of intellectual honesty, content based in reality and fact. We have moved way too far away from content based in reality to a dangerous zone that is promoting dishonesty in programming and outright borderline mental illness with our youth today”. Please see Professor James P. Lay’s imdb.com page for his long history in the film industry.    

 Jason Wolf-Sr. Vice President

Holds an MBA with an emphasis in Management of Technology from a top 10 University program in the country. Jason spent the first 10 years of his career in technology in the Silicon Valley / Bay Area working with both technology startups and fortune 500 companies with management position at Apple and Avid. Jason is an entrepreneur with over 10 years of international business management experience in the software industry setting up international distribution channels and has a proven track record of bringing multiple commercial software titles to market. 


The opportunity is VAST in the non woke media content market with a recent global survey citing that 64% of those polled felt that there is not enough media content that is based on meritocracy( supporting success based on hard work and effort) a opposed to content based on immutable traits such as race, sexual orientation. Lets’ face it humans want to see content that makes them feel good based on rewards for effort and handwork, not because you are a part of any single group. Parents overwhelmingly are concerned about the content coming out of Hollywood today that promotes their children to choose another sex then the one they were born with or content that promotes hatred towards once race or another for any reason whatsoever.
The Dragonfly Network will create and license content that provides a messaging that with hard work, logic, common sense and reason, any person can be successful.


The Dragonfly Network will have a global reach of over 230 million households world wide in 165 countries. Here are the following revenue projections based on our subscription model of $2.99 per month for all content on the network:

Average Revenue Per Household (ARPH): $3 per month
 Market Penetration Rate: Starting at 5% in 2025 and increasing by 2% each year Annual Growth Rate in ARPH: 2%

Using these assumptions, we can calculate the annual revenue projections as follows:

- Households Penetrated: 230 million * 5% = 11.5 million
- Annual Revenue Per Household: $3 * 12 months = $36
- Total Revenue: 11.5 million * $36 = $414 million

- Households Penetrated: 230 million * 7% = 16.1 million
- Annual Revenue Per Household: $36 * 1.03 = $37.08
- Total Revenue: 16.1 million * $37.08 = $597.99 million

- Households Penetrated: 230 million * 9% = 20.7 million
- Annual Revenue Per Household: $37.08 * 1.03 = $38.19
- Total Revenue: 20.7 million * $38.19 = $790.53 million

- Households Penetrated: 230 million * 11% = 25.3 million
- Annual Revenue Per Household: $38.19 * 1.03 = $39.34
- Total Revenue: 25.3 million * $39.34 = $995.30 million

- Households Penetrated: 230 million * 13% = 29.9 million
- Annual Revenue Per Household: $39.34 * 1.03 = $40.52
- Total Revenue: 29.9 million * $40.52 = $1.21 billion

 Net Revenue Projections gross revenue operating expenses net 
2025: $414m $380m $34m
2026: $598m $412m $186m
2027: $791m $455m $336m
2028: $995m $463m $532m 
2029: $1.21 billion $711m $709m

These projections are based on the given assumptions and trends. Adjustments may be necessary based on actual market conditions and other influencing factors.


The DRAGONFLY NETWORK will be offering its customers world wide content that they can consistently rely on knowing that there will never be any content intended to indoctrinate their children or family members into ideology or separation by race, gender, non logic/non science based beliefs. Our programing will always be put through a screening for content that is manipulative or pushes any extreme idealogical positions. in message. The mission of our programming is to provide logical, reasonable factual based content, based on common sense with the messages of character, integrity and heart at its core principals.


We will feature numerous channels on the Dragonfly Network including:

  1. The Premiere Marque Channel-This channel features new feature films that are entertaining while at the same time are thought provoking offer common sense, reason, logic, empathy, kindness as their root messages and does not promote hatred towards anyone race, religion, sexual orientation. Films on this channel will be properly rated so the viewer can trust the content will be exactly what was described in the rating in advance so the viewer can utilize their own discretion and not be surprised by content that may not be appropriate for children.
We have licensed the following syndicated content for air on the Dragonfly TV Network:

  1. Megyn Kelly Show-is your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. No BS. No agenda and and no fear.
  2. Tucker Carlson Show-American conservative talk show and current affairs program hosted by political commentator Tucker Carlson.
  3. Dr. Jordan Peterson Show- Canadian psychologist, author, and media commentator. Often described as conservative.
  4. Dave Rubin-speaks with journalists, activists, authors, comedians, and professors. Topics discussed on his show include freedom of speech, political correctness, foreign policy, and religion.
  5. Michael Knowles-analyzing the top cultural and political issues of the day.
  6. Dan Bongino- Former FOX TV host and Secret Service agent will take on the days top stories with an alpha male conservative approach to resolution.
  7. Walks and Talks Among The Rocks- So many people today feel that the planet is somehow lost energetically with no positive pathway forward not to mention the millions of individuals feeling they are lost at an individual level, not knowing what their true path to happiness is. Millions of adults and children on the planet, instead being helped at the core level of their spirit are just being prescribed harmful pharmaceutical long term mind altering drugs that only coverup the symptoms temporarily and send the individual eventually into even a deeper sadness and depression. This Show examines how individuals can connect to true meaning in life away from the need for external approval, discover and nurture their inner voice that will lead them away from harmful self destructive behaviors.
  8. The Social Experiment Channel- This channel will feature a variety of content based on non scripted documentary style tv series that involve social interactions that can teach young viewers how best to “do the right thing” in any situation. As so many of us have seen today, instead of helping a person in distress today, instead people just pull out their camera phone and start recording the situation instead of helping others. We believe that is part of the slippery slope that society is now on where kids do not make the right choices in a situation and this later on in life can lead to things like survivor guilt or sadness or depression because they stood by while their fellow man could have be easily helped even if it was to dial 911.
  9. Documentaries with Heart- This channel will focus on documentaries that celebrate heroes, people that do not do good things for fame and fortune but rather because it is the right thing to do, whether anyone is watching or not. This channel will offer great learning experiences for kids and adults alike to provide examples of how to feel good in your life and be a giver instead of a taker.
  10. With The Professor- Professor James Lay will take a deep dive into many of the biggest films in the past 30 years and explore a combination of not only the story and it’s message but also the technical production aspects of the film including many of the 60 plus films that Professor James Lay has worked on.
  11. Resto Mod Films- A play on the huge restoration modification hot rod tv series, on this series our post production division will take an old film with a great message from the 1930’s/40’s/50’s/60’s/70’s and fully digitally restore the film with new HD color correction and full complete sound design mix in 5.1 or stereo surround sound. We will show a before and after comparison of a few clips from the film in the beginning so you can see and hear the amazing enhancement in both picture and sound!
  12. Real Music Channel- We will feature music videos that features all styles of music but the one theme we insist on that it is indeed music played and performed by real musicians, not computerized music generated by AI programs. Real singers singing from their heart with mistakes and all, no AUTOTUNE and no music that degrades woman or celebrates the use of drugs or abusive behavior. Numerous other channels will come online as the network ramps up over the coming year!
COLLATERAL (offered to Investor/Lender)

CEO James Lay is the sole chain of title owner/holder of the $2 million super natural science fiction film “The Other Side of Infinity” which will premiere on the Dragonfly TV Network on Friday August 2nd potentially to over 130 countries and a potential audience of 180 million viewers world wide(Roku 80m/Apple TV 50m/Fire TV 50m). Even with lower viewership of just 2%(4.5m) of total potential global audience the film would be rented on our video on demand system at just .99 cents would potentially earn $4.5 million dollars. James Lay will assign chain of title ownership of the film to the Investor/Lender via a Federal UCC-1 filing(Federal Legal assignment of an Asset) until such time the Investor/lender is recouped in full plus a 25% interest. Lender to be in first position recoupment paid out from dollar one of adjusted gross profits generated by Network revenues.


The technical infrastructure of the Dragonfly TV Network has been solely financed by CEO James Lay and is currently “on air” internally at the Dragonfly Network with public testing beginning on July 1st and the global premiere on August 2nd 2024. Additionally CEO James Lay has provided his two first feature films “Dreamland” starring the Creeper Jonathan Breck from Jeepers Creepers as well as “Razor” his second film featuring Sid Haig of the Rob Zombies films “House of a Thousand Corpses” as assets of DRAGONFLY NETWORK LLC to immediately generate revenue on the launch of the network with its 230 million world wide potential viewers.

Stock Offer Overview:

  1. DRAGONFLY NETWORK LLC- Delaware Company
  2. Preferred Stock Offering
  3. Target Capital Raise: $1 million
  4. Current Valuation: $4 Million current assets- network hardware, 3 feature films.
  5. Number of Shares Offered: 1 million (total issued 4 Million)
  6. Offer Price per Share: $1.00 per share (minimum purchase 100,000 shares)
  7. Majority Stock Holder: James Lay

Key Details:

  1. Purpose of Stock Offer: To raise capital for launch of network.
  2. Offer Terms: Shareholders will have voting rights and may be entitled to dividends based on company performance.
  3. Use of Funds: for technical network build out, office location(Summerlin, Nevada) company staff, content licensing and marketing.
  4. Offer Expiration Date: August 31st 2024

Thank you for your time and consideration, we look forward to working with you!

James Lay

James Lay
(424) 279-0664

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