Don’t Stop There Inc

Raising $3mil to help increase the quality of life for individuals suffering from a spinal cord injury.

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Don’t Stop There Inc is a nonprofit organization specializing in increasing the quality of life for individuals suffering from a spinal cord injury. We assist individuals with a spinal cord injury obtain things like hoyers, nets, medical supplies, adaptive equipment, home modifications, etc. We currently have 2 recipients: One is seeking our assistance with getting his vehicle modified so he can drive it from his wheelchair. This will be the first time in over 15 years that he will be able to drive! As a quadriplegic driver myself, being able to drive on your own has a level of freedom that is just indescribable! 
Our second recipient is seeking assistance with modifying her home to accommodate her wheelchair. She and her family are worried she’ll be forced to go to a nursing home when she completes rehab. There are so many individuals with spinal cord injuries that don’t have access to things that become necessities following the injury! We know we can’t help them all, but we are damn sure going to try!
We have office space currently under renovation which we intend to use for our fundraising events including but not limited to bingo, adult trivia nights, family nights, spinal cord injury awareness, etc. We have so many fundraising ideas including tshirt sells, raffles, even a trivia mobile app! We’re just seeking some heavy start up funding to help us turn our recipients’ dreams into reality!
Thank you all in advance!

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