Blok Charity Auto Clearance has been in business at least a decade and was affiliated with a number of nonprofits. In 2019 the Board of Directors decided to restructure the nonprofit which was affiliated with the Blok Charity Auto Clearance business and founded the Donated Vehicle Foundation (DVF), which now owns Blok Charity Auto Clearance.
The Donated Vehicle Foundation, Inc. (“DVF”) is a non-profit organization organized to support various charitable activities and organizations by operating vehicle donation programs and services via its trade name of Blok Charity Auto Clearance. The nonprofit status allows for tax deductible donations of vehicles by donors.
Cars are donated to DVF by small independent dealers who use our lot to sell their cars.
This is a volume driven business and sales have been down since 2023. Perhaps the business model no longer works in the current economic environment. I would like to transition Blok Charity Auto Clearance to a for profit dealership and only affiliate with the nonprofit as necessary.
I am looking for any kind of assistance to make this change. That includes mentoring, consulting, partnering, or financial assistance to allow us to keep the business running. With the operational changes we have made thus far we can be a successful dealership with the ability to payback a loan. We are also open to equity ownership in the business as well.
Thank you for your time
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