Looking for donors to make our forensic biology/DNA laboratory a reality. Our goal is to have an educational/research laboratory and a casework laboratory. Our educational programming will focus on students, attorneys, and law enforcement. To inspire the next generation of forensic scientist, we will give students an opportunity to work a mock case starting with evidence collection at a crime scene through analysis and data interpretation in the laboratory and ending with providing expert testimony in a mock trial during our summer camps. We will coordinate with colleges and universities to provide research opportunities to their students that may lead to presentations and publications. Trial attorneys and law enforcement will receive hands-on training to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the forensic biology/DNA workflow. The forensic biology/DNA laboratory will assist with cold cases, identification of human remains, sexual assault kit backlog reduction, and Innocence Project-style casework. DNA Mavens Forensic Services Inc, a Nonprofit Registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity.
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