DEXASCAN.COM was created out of passion for connecting business to health optimization, wellness and longevity by its founders
Tony Orlando and
Kristin Orlando. As an early adopter of DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) technology to measure bone health & body composition & viscercal fat, the
leading predictor of Cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes, the founders believe that everyone should be educated on the importance of having a DEXA Scan early in their life but also to measure, track and improve their measurements.
In the post Covid Era, as people are focusing on longevity and living a longer healthier life, the spot light has been focused on longevity and DEXA has become a "star" as
Dr. Peter Attia, the #1 Best Selling New York Times Author of the book
"Outlive" states,
“It doesn’t take much visceral fat to cause problems.” Even a 40-year-old man with average (50th percentile) total body fat “would be considered at exceptionally high risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, in the top 5 percent of risk for your age and sex.”
Intially the goal of
DEXASCAN.COM was to educate people about the importance of a DEXA Scan in their overall health regimen but the passion project has turned into an opportunity to help people live longer and improve their time spent with family and friends. expansion, including continued development of an app ,and the creation of an algorythmn to help people optimize their health with the information provided not only by their DEXA Scan but also their health and fitness tracking wearable devices, Metabolic Health Tests, Vo2 and a list of other health optimization services.
During the last 3 years, the founders have taken the website from the ground up.
- Building the organic website traffic to over 100,000 visitors per month
- Increased the number of providers
- Developed an extensive email marketing list
- Developed and launched an app for measuring and tracking body composition changes
We have done this while working part time at this passion project, realizing the opportunity to change lives with DEXA technology we are putting our focus on this ecommerce platform and app development. We are committed to the transformative potential of DEXA technology and the critical role of health optimization for individuals across all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds, striving to make this life-enhancing technology accessible to everyone.
We are seeking an investor who is committed to health optimization and longevity and who desires to invest in an AI and technology company.
If you're passionate about health and wellness,living the longest best life possible, eager to help others, and interested futhering healthcare with technology, reach out to our team to start a conversation.
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