We are recognized as the World's Most Powerful Coffee as we are getting placement throughout the CPG Industry on the shelves next to Death Wish Coffee and Black Rifle Coffee.
We are currently positioned in 7 of the largest Natural Foods Distribution Centers across the US as well as in retail in over 3,000 stores and counting. We are currently onboarding with major retailers expanding our footprint. Our continued growth path is Target, Krogers, and Publix retail, and scaling up e-commerce with increased inventory replenishments. Most online platforms organic searches are for Devil Mountain, or Black Label, thus allowing to flex our ad-spend muscles for e-commerce stores. Very high 4.6-5 star Amazon ratings!
Our coffee is not only strong, but very smooth, flavorful, never bitter and won't upset your stomach like many other coffee do. Devil Mountain Coffee is a healthy way to start your day, and to help achieve your overall body's health performance without the need of the energy drinks. Our special blend of USDA Certified High-Altitude select coffee will give you the clean and steady all day energy with out the jitters and without the caffeine crash.
The benefits of caffeine are endless. It's high in antioxidants, can increase memory, help fight fatigue, depression and is heart healthy. You may have seen our reviews from
Caffeine Informer, or
YouTube. Most of our content is purely Organic from Random Independent customer reviews.
Moreover, we are fun, creative, and have incredible people working with us. In addition to Sponsoring the Sonoma Raceway for events like NASCAR, and NHRA to Tough Mudder, Live Nation, we gain a lot of attention at a very high level. We are also a Vendor for Levy Restaurants and have much success opening stands in major venues. Previous events including Guy Fieri and other celebrity chefs. We were the the 2018, and 2019 World Food Championships top 40 products in the US, along with being a Top Pick in Winter Fancy Food Fest.
Considerations for $500k Growth Capital & $500k future expansion Capital Equipment funding. We are open to your investment considerations. We look forward to hearing from you!