I am looking for funding for the start up of my EOL Death Douala journey and educational outreach program for the aging members of our community. The population of aging adults in the US is currently 52,788,000, 16% of the total population. It is projected that by 2030, 1 in 5 adults will be over the age of 65. This is important to both public and private business as the opportunities that present themselves socially and economically are unlimited, we are changing the paradigm of how we approach health care ,death, and the programs addressing the current needs. The base of clients is growing and evolving, it's an experience none of us will be able to avoid. We have the power to change the rules, to create a wellness environment that empowers and works for all.
The role of the EOL Death Douala is to fill the non medical needs that are currently not covered by Medical or Medicare and provided by Hospice, providing holistic support and emotional and compassionate support to both the dying person and the family therefore complementing the Hospice role. Helping the dying to have a good death, to leave the legacy they want to pass on, to resolve any unfinished business they need to address and to provide space to heal and express love for their families, it's also about forgiveness, giving and receiving, which has an incredible impact on the emotional health of families and future generations. Guidance and education are also provided and follow up during the bereavement period. This is a paid position, services for the ones without an income will not be left out as ability to pay is not the deciding factor on who receives services. Funding will cover cost of tuition, membership fee's, registries, and any unexpected expenses.
My plan is to facilitate “Death Cafes” and “discussions” within the community while enrolled in the course, these are free events, but provide a great source of getting my name out there as well as marketing and advertising. It allows death to become an event we have control of and can make decisions that align with our desires, previous decisions were placed in the hands of funeral directors and costs were not questioned. The first contact I made regarding the need for this, was met with excitement and a commitment to hold monthly events at the Guerneville Community Services office, the need for this is great! The events will be held by zoom during the quarantine, eventually turning into in person events. Funding will also provide the computer and related equipment to facilitate these and related expenses.
The benefits of this service are abundant, promoting wellness and connection to families, while reducing health care and long term care costs. Improving emotional and mental health by helping families to face death without fear and heal the wounds we carry from family throughout our lives. Forgiveness is a major component of emotional health, to give and to receive, by supporting the process incredible changes can occur lasting generations. We are changing the paradigm of health care and death, placing power back in the hands of families and communities, please join me on this journey, we are the change.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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