Dawn Patrol by Peak 3 Capital

250,000 sought to scale up our model. Impact investing is profitable as well as ESG responsible.

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There is no vehicle for change more powerful than economic investment. We believe that an investment strategy that balances people, planet, and profit will carry all boats into a more enlightened age of investing. By investing with our Special Purpose Vehicle, "Dawn Patrol," you can know that you are making a deliberate and real impact on the world we share.
  • We vet companies for inclusion in our portfolio using a unique blend of fundamental and technical analyses.
  • We use third party data platforms to validate companies' self-reported ESG metrics and to manage opportunities and risks.
  • Our entire fund is dynamically hedged via participation in derivatives hedging and tokenized securities, positioning our clients for success in the long term.

This fund operates like a Structured Investment Product:

Capital contributions are subject to a 90 lock up, paying out 20% and the original contribution to the investor. 

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