Blynd is a Dating App that entails a new and exciting concept that does not currently exist on the market based on my research. This new concept is something that I believe many could embrace if given the opportunity. Despite having basic similarities to other Dating Apps, the new essential features make it entirely unique.
All details about the App can be provided in a brief consultation. I prefer not to disclose the essence of the App in this Funding Request and would therefore greatly appreciate a verbal consultation where I can provide all of the information. If a written description is preferred, then I can gladly provide a document with all of the details.
Note that, while the App is not completed, it is well into the development phase. I have a great team of reputable developers who are handling the programming component and we have already made great progress in many areas such as acquiring a domain name, programming the App's functionality, and securing approval from Google and Apple.
I am willing to offer a substantial equity interest to an investor or investment company that will allow me to complete the programming component such that the App can get to the prototype phase and be ready for a soft launch.
Please reach out if you would like to know more and I would appreciate the opportunity to share my project with you.
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