We have developed a cutting-edge software designed to optimize AI/ML application development and deployment. It utilizes a reusable platform, enhanced with Knowledge-based Digital/Virtual Twin technology and a semantic reasoning engine, enabling rapid and efficient logical correlations across diverse data structures.
Nimble customers will access innovative and transformative software solutions that simplify the
ability to develop and deploy intelligent applications; they become change partners in the quests for
implementing a decision assist solution for their company decision makers or innovators in the
monitoring compliance processes that companies meet daily.
The platform reduces the cost related to man-hours and man-power while increasing the autonomy
over customizations and adaptability.
A powerful reusable application development environment that is cutting edge convergence of Digital Twin technology and semantic reasoning capabilities combined to achieve trusted and Explainable AI
Reduces AI development teams cost by allowing Jr Developers to work at the speed of a Sr level
No-Code AI & Digital Twin Development with readily available reusable models
Encourages adoption of value-based AI solutions by reducing the cost and time for developing
experimental AI Solutions
Easy to understand Graphical Human Interface that guides governance to achieve trusted AI.
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