Thank you for taking the time to consider my loan request.
I am looking for first stage seed investments to get the ball rolling on my long-planned desire to open my own real estate company. I am looking for between $10,000 and $20,000 in this stage, with a quick turnaround time. I offer two levels, so depending on your risk-reward desires. I know I can achieve my goals with the lower amount, but always heeding the advice in any startup, that “you can never have too much” getting started.
$10,000 will net you a $20,000 return. This amount will be available around the end of this year, 2022.
$20,000 will net you a $35,000 return. In this case I will make repayment in two stages, the first at the same time, end of 2022, and the second mid- to late January.
I choose the end of the year target for two reasons, the first being if you wish to delay any paper trail transactions until after the new year and not have to deal with any financial benefits you may or may not wish to claim until either this upcoming year or wait till the following year.
The second reason is that we have two current business opportunities waiting for us to receive funding which will make us a little over $55,000 by December. Plenty of time for both our sides to get all our ducks in a row so to speak
That being said, the most important thing for me to do is establish my credibility. For references: message me 757-291-5877
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