The United Reentry Foundation Inc.

Raising money to expand a transitional home to fight homelessness

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Transitional home for homeless veterans, taking the homeless home.

The United Reentry Foundation, a recognized 501(c)(3), is a home where young and old veterans can stay while they get on their feet. We currently have 16 beds, and we transition veterans monthly. We provide homeless veterans a bed, three meals, job placement, transportation, and spiritual guidance at a reduced cost. This allows our clients to save money for their future. For more information on how to become a partner in this fight, please call our CEO, Kelly Patrick Riggs, directly at (256) 736-4610 or email [email protected].

We seek funding for our next step in expanding our service. We plan to build a new building to add 50 beds to our capacity and a ten-bed detox center for those struggling with addiction.

Homelessness is caused by many things, which can be anywhere from post-incarceration preparation, addiction, ignorance, and abuse.  We aim to assist those in need with a short-term transitional process through which anyone can get back on their feet.

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