Crani-Yum Nootropic Energy Drinks

Raising Capital to Fund POs & Infrastructure for New Energy Drink Crani-Yum

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Crani-Yum Nootropic Energy Drinks is a Nebraska-based start-up bringing a much-needed improvement to the energy drink market with potent doses of focus-boosting nootropics in every 16 oz can. We launched 2 flavors late January 2024 and as of February 26th we have over 30 retail partners, and sales have far exceeded our projections. We are seeking capital to help fund future orders and infrastructure in order to facilitate the expansion into the national marketplace that we are primed for, as well as development of more flavors.

Founders Brett Claussen & Jamie Stark have a combined 20+ years of experience in the fitness & nutrition industry. We built this product based on our own preferences, as well as gathering information from thousands of customers who expressed a dissatisfaction with the lack of substance in the energy drink market. Bang showed over the last decade that the energy drink market is capable of being disrupted with a unique product, and we are confident that we have built a product to do just that. We just need the financial backing to support exponential growth over the coming years.

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