Courage! Communication 4 Change, LLC

CC4C, Your Culture and Relationship Consultant & Coach; facilitating connection, competence, and CONFIDENCE!

Courage Communication 4 Change  was founded and is lead by Dr. Angela Courage-Mellott, Ed.D. CEO, Relationship & Culture Coach.

Dr. Courage, CEO,  is more commonly known as Doc Courage! for her work building community and teaching on college campuses,

We serve those who strive to develop hospitable  environments  and  interpersonal relationships where individuals and the global community are empowered to communicate, connect, collaborate, innovate, and thrive together.

We facilitate the growth of leaders, teams, and organizations by centering  and paying  contract subject matter experts for events to center diverse voices experiences. 

We use executive coaching, consulting, interactive workshops and keynote speaking  that are grounded in  research such as Hofsted's  "Culture's Consequences" and Kim's "Communicating With Strangers" in addition to adult learning insights known as *andragogy.  When appropriate with faith-based clients, ancient wisdom books and mission statements are applied to help organizations,  leaders and teams in a global economy and communities  overcome anxiety, uncertainty, and conflicts that are inevitable in multicultural environments.

Outcomes demonstrate cultural confidence, competence, reduced anxiety, reduced ethnocentrism  and reduced micro-aggressions. Positive organizational environment, cultural curiosity, conflict resolution and cultural courage increase enjoyment of the benefits of improved innovation, retention and membership satisfaction.

These results heighten the authenticity and effectiveness of diverse individuals in attractive organizational cultures and recruitable social networks.

Chief Operating Officer is Tom Mellot, husband and partner of Doc Courage! As a Senior Finance Director at a Fortune 100 company, he has managed the start up costs, and supplemented operation costs from our personal accounts. His role is to manage logistics, finance, and morale. (Breast cancer interrupted our growth, but Doc Courage is  now 7 years cancer free.)

Dr. Courage's role as CEO is to recruit clients, manage startup activities, recruit clients, build brand recognition, build relationships within and beyond the the community, conduct market research, tailor courses and events to client's needs, use her multicultural immersed life experiences synthesized with academic expertise to organize, develop, present,  facilitate event conversations, and create space for experts that have been historically muted people and group.

*Definition: Andragogy is the study and science of helping adults grow and obtain new skills (as opposed to children which is known as pedagogy).  Research reveals that there are specific conditions under which adults embrace and apply new information. The most important condition is need (such as additional credentials to gain a promotion, or change of behavior to save a relationship) The second is volition-or not being forced (perhaps to keep a job). This is why we focus on those who value lifelong learning, personal development, and multiculturalism.

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