I am requesting 10 million in EBITDA for my company Continental Creative Film Time.
I will not take responsibility for any Military or political trades in oil companies contracts intercontinental transfer or barged. Or substance to be bound in any items or devices in operational leases. Shipped by sea or air. Or transported on land. New construction or down to the moving of the dirt. Or old construction. Or any marketed activity in commercial or tied to any real property in service to anyone faith or secular. In Germanic Law. Special Commercial Law. Or Roman Law. In dispute in seaborne trading. To better serve my investor's. And to be set in Sole proprietary motion. Free of motive. To performance bond. In a no limit recovery in entertainment law. In principal. W/ Continental Creative Film Time.
To be free from anyone in relative concern or otherwise to take captive any part of my estate in history connected to tarrif or bond attached to any landed estate of anyone living or dead. To stay w/ original investor's free from end of year swaps. I will offer it as statatory responsibility to my investor. We all have hater's. At arms length. My hope would be that this would give my investor the oppurtunity to establish postion in capital to broaden his venture's. To help me become more independent in Continental Creative Film Time. And safe from voting shares that would hate our parties being together.
Just to my investor. I offer u my services. in trade for security and platform to produce star films. In guided media. And act in star roles. In which i can S-corp myself. To stay inside the flow of money to invest in star films as an other financial means LLC. As an LLP w/ my investor. In investing the entire 10 million. and to S-corp myself in a star role coming up. As this is the only one thing i have been passionate about in my life. I offer my services only to capital leases only. I request only that it be used as credit for monetary printing w/ balancing my investor's personal mean. In accounting. In sole proprietary. W/ Continental Creative Film Time. I offer my investor current placement time's zero. In capital lease. They can print as much as they want. In that board of direction. With me at Concord level or a run on the beach. Or by plane. Of shipping and receiving at ports around the world. In principle to sole propriety and to who i am in relative concern. I am Jason Clary. Great nephew to Billie Ann Rothschild. I will produce star films w/ the name (Xavier Joel). As things change That'll change too. To bring more at the box office earnings worldwide. To creatively try to produce the best films of our time.
I do request to trade security in this offer with my investors as a form of payment also to protect my home and office as i move forward in Capital lease agent for U. In Continental Creative Film Time. To stay in the best securities and technology And also media to help me in producing star films as an actor and producer. At arms length to my investors w/ clarity. And staying on the greatest films of our time. And as a private client of sole proprietorship. And to place my company as an other financial means to an end That my investors who have a reach into this part of the star film industry. To create an interest for doubling and tripling returns at the box office worldwide. As they would discern the source. As in rules of the treasury in the U.S. in post transaction i cannot expect anything. I can only offer goods and services in connection w/ u being independent in relative concern. As an agent of Continental Creative Film Time. To my investors as a private client that is what i can offer. With trade in securities to capital lease proprietary passing to the board of accounting so he/she can choose to vote once capital lease has circulated around the globe. I ask that u use current placement times zero in profit and loss on these accounts to credit in monetary gain. To balance the problem. Instead of looking for low interest rates. I'm asking for 10 million in EBITDA or 10 million to invest in my company. And the security trade's i need for the platform of media for producing star films. Thx. Ahoy. Xavier Joel in Continental Creative Film Time. I ask for room to grow. I 'm seasoned as in 2012 i had an interview at hollywood prod. I write manuscripts and am a published author. The Tallest Order published through Outskirts Press. I filed my company Continental Creative Film Time in 2020. That's just the way things went for me. I ask that you would would pass through all the red tape. To help me w/ a break in the star film industry. As a private client. So i can perform in my company as an LLC for my investor. I hope to only need one.
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