ConnectDirect generates lucrative returns on owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service investments made by the company, investment partners and clients through the use of our REVNET platform which controls, manages and delivers all targeted digital advertising to every URLs where available ad slots exist on every connected consumer device on the owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service which in turn, transitions a traditional cost center (internet service) into a profit center and asset.
ConnectDirect’ s key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are as follows:
1) People/Culture
2) Partnership – Network Equipment Companies
3) Partnership – USA/International Network Owner-Hosted Broadband & Wi-Fi Sales Teams
4) Digital Advertising Platform
5) Digital Advertising and Network Analytics and Metrics Platform to Augment Targeted Advertising
6) Access and control via partner network gateways, switches and routers to deliver direct targeted
digital advertising to every connected device (consumer) connecting to the provided owner-hosted
broadband and Wi-Fi internet service.
1) Funding
2) Operational Staff to support business opportunity growth
1) Partnerships and/or ownership of growing owner-hosted broadband and wi-fi internet service
market push across USA and abroad
2) Hiring new employees to meet growing client base
3) For-Profit & Affordable Housing residential buildings/complexes
4) Cities, Towns and Rural Communities
5) Mixed Use Retail/Office Complexes
6) Hotels/Casinos
7) Sporting and Entertainment Venues
8) Multi-Dwelling Units (Retail, Office and Residential)
9) Going after new joint venture partnerships to capitalize on direct to consumer via control of owner-hosted network service
1) Lack of funding to capitalize on all current opportunities until digital advertising revenue is available to company
2) Networking equipment manufacturing delivery/slowdown
3) Network installation teams – not being able to deploy enough teams to meet demand
4) Loss of key employees
The Top Opportunities that ConnectDirect will execute upon this year include: 1) Increase staff to meet demand in advertising, marketing and direct to consumer sales opportunities with brands and businesses. 2) Captive digital advertising and recoup revenue from all networks connected devices in all deployed entities and communities 3) Investment and deployment of Phase1 and 2 of 75,000 resident Los Angeles County city Wi-Fi service extending service into low-income residential housing – engaging captive digital advertising to all connected devices. 4) Investment and deployment of Phase 1 of 600,000 resident Maryland city Wi-Fi “mesh” network service extending service into 10,000 low-income residential housing – engaging captive digital advertising to all connected devices. 5) Enhance network device and predictive analytics to support targeted digital advertising efforts
ConnectDirectOnline’s goals are as follows: 1) 5-year goals = USA and International expansion of captive digital and Over-the-Top (OTT Streaming service) advertising engine through direct, investment partners and client direct investment of owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service while also impacting and closing the digital divide in low-income areas. 2) 1-year goals = A) Enhance digital analytics platform to support targeted consumer advertising B) complete build out on AdBlocker override technology in service to targeted digital advertising on private owner-hosted broadband and wi-fi internet services C) Onboard talented staff to support company’s goals. D) Under promise and over deliver on year one revenue projections to enable company to investment quicker in more city, town and rural community internet initiatives. 3) This quarter’s goals: A) Continue onboarding 25,000 town in Iowa for captive digital advertising B) Onboard and begin captive digital advertising on second residential building located in Los Angeles County. 4) This month’s goals: A) Increase digital advertising metrics for newly onboard Iowa town. B) finalize contract for first residential building to go live with digital advertising located in Long Beach California.
It is now recognized that high-speed connectivity is essential for a community’s economy, health care, and social cohesion. The lack of affordable high-speed connectivity has been highlighted even more during the worldwide pandemic and has increased the need for affordable high-speed internet connectivity for communities to deliver online school, health care, basic essentials shopping, social and entertainment engagement. This need for connectivity has exposed the ISPs service for affordable speeds, connectivity and options in low income and rural areas and has unfortunately increased the digital divide. And with little financial incentive to improve basic minimum connectivity, speeds and service – ISPs continue to overlook vast urban and rural segments throughout the USA.
For those reasons along with a desire to turn an existing cost center (internet services) into an asset, REITs, sporting and entertainment venues, affordable housing ownership, cities, rural communities and others are embracing investing in or leasing their own private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service network. To-date hundreds of for-profit and affordable housing entities, retail/office mixed use entities, venues, cities, towns and rural communities in the US and abroad have embraced the desire to own a private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service network and many more add to this rising number each month.
The problem for ConnectDirect isn’t the opportunities because they are plentiful; the problem is there is more desire from entities, venues, cities, towns and rural communities looking for investment help in securing and deploying owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi than current investment dollars to meet the demand now instead of waiting 12, 18 or 24 months out. While for-profit entities are moving forward at a fast pace, the pace for affordable housing, federal housing, cities, towns and rural communities is much slower due to a struggle for necessary funds to push the initiative, however city commissions, city chamber of commerce and mayors are all on board enlisting their help however they can to push, promote and deliver an invested owner-hosted service to their residents – we have buy-in and commitment, now seeking the investment until such time as ConnectDirect can standalone on investment to identified opportunities and along with any investment groups, reap the financial windfall from monthly subscription fees for broadband service and captive digital advertising to every connected device delivers.
While our desire is to first and foremost capitalize, recoup and revenue share the millions of dollars generated a year in targeted digital advertising on a growing list of partner owner-hosted broadband and wi-fi internet services across the USA; ConnectDirect also desires to invest directly own the internet service or, provide those entities with affordable leasing options of ConnectDirect secured networking equipment procured from our network infrastructure partners and lastly secure investment groups looking to participate in this growing tsunami of private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet services for affordable housing, Federal Housing Authority entities, venues, cities, towns and rural communities open to fast-tracking deployment of the service and generate both digital advertising revenue and monthly subscription fees associated with residential connectivity.
In 2020 there was 132.5 billion dollars of revenue was generated in the USA from online digital search
advertising generated by network access splash pages (ie: Starbucks network access page) video ads, online Pay Per Click ads, native ads, re-marketing ads, and affiliate marketing advertising.
When it comes to their broadband and Wi-Fi service, traditional Internet Service Providers have only focused on two avenues for revenue:
1) Monthly subscription fees for various internet upload/download speeds offered; and,
2) Data collection – first party demographic data and device connection data that is then sold to Google, Facebook, Apple and others seeking data to augment their own data collection service.
With the growing consumer backlash on consumer data privacy there is legislation in several states that will eliminate the opportunity for first party data demographics to be sold to third party entities.
Current online advertising is controlled by Google, Facebook, Bing and others who monopolize the internet traffic through direct access to data and network traffic manipulation from traditional Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Frontier, Comcast, AT&T, etc.
ConnectDirect through our private owner-hosted broadband and WiFi internet partnerships plans to level and/or change the playing field on captive advertising revenue. No longer beholding to the Internet Service Providers and their select group of advertising publisher; We will, with direct access to the private network traffic publish advertising to every connected device.
How do we take captive the advertising and advertising revenue? Integrated within a partner’s private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi internet service via the gateways, switches and routers, ConnectDirect’s RevNet platform takes control of digital advertising delivery via traffic control for all digital ads to every website visited or “surfed” to by every devices connected to the private internet service and where advertising “slots” (spots) are available to serve the ad.
ConnectDirect will combine the collected network device metrics and predictive analytics in support of our RevNet ad-serving platform to serve up quality targeted ads and will generate revenue in the same advertising manner used by Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. with and on traditional Internet Service Provider (ISPs) networks like Comcast, AT&T, Frontier, etc.
The beauty of our platform service is that there is no change to the way a consumer navigates and uses the internet just as they would with a traditional “open” ISP network (i.e.: Comcast). Tenants and consumers connect and gain access to the private owner-hosted broadband or Wi-Fi internet service and we control the entire web page advertising landscape on all “surfed” web pages utilizing our targeted analytics to deliver the most appropriate targeted ad to the connected device (consumer) based on behavioral predictive analytics that will elicit consumer engagement (clicks) and higher ad payouts by engagement.
In addition to generating advertising revenue through websites visited during the internet “surfing” of the connected devices there will be opportunities to capitalize on additional advertising revenue with the owner-hosted Wi-Fi partners that choose to offer “free” Wi-Fi in common areas like gyms, parks, open air venues, restaurants, lobbies, etc. via a digital network access landing page that will be utilized to control connections to the Wi-Fi service.
This landing page will serve as a reminder to the connecting consumers of the Wi-Fi network’s terms service, terms and conditions of the available network and will also be able to serve up targeted local or national ads to each connected consumer (device).
Landing page configurations will vary per owner-hosted partner’s desire with some additional community or property announcements, etc but will all contain up to 3 ad slots to serve up advertising to connecting devices.
In addition to the landing page, owner-hosted partners, in some cases will put network access time limits on open free Wi-Fi, requiring consumer to reconnect every 1 to 1.5 hours of continuous usage which would re-engage the network landing page access and associated advertising.
Finally, with regards to open free Wi-Fi connectivity, owner-hosted partners in some cases will engage a up to seven second video advertising after thirty minutes of continuous connectivity which will enable additional revenue With the growing consumer backlash on consumer data privacy there is legislation in several states that will eliminate the opportunity for first party data demographics to be sold to third party entities.
The tsunami of opportunity around private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi service began to take off on the West Coast at end of 2019 with several owner-hosted networks due for deployment in 2020. The global pandemic caused a complete shutdown of construction and pushed 2020 implementation well in to 2021. While the pandemic did put a pause on construction and network infrastructure installation it did not put a damper on the REITs and other entities desiring to move forward to eliminate traditional ISPs services for their interests which has effectively increased the deployment pipeline out through 2023.
Our 3-year Proforma reflects only the number of current properties, entities (MDUs – Multi-Dwelling Units and Mixed Use), cities and towns that are under contract and in construction the network infrastructure build-out phases with the number of partnered networks to go live reflected in monthly numbers through 2023. These numbers do not reflect the large number of subsequent entities owned by REITs that will be “slotted” for implementation once their first property is deployed and generating revenue. The proforma also does not reflect the large number of affordable housing opportunities that are available and only lacking private investment or, based on revenue, ConnectDirect investment to move forward.
Lastly, the proforma also doesn’t reflect the large number of small and medium sized Midwest internet service providers who are in discussions regarding our advertising revenue share model to help offset their rising cable service costs that are impacting their ability to provide quality cable entertainment options to their customers. We have one small ISP partner deployed with several others to potentially follow suite not reflected in the proforma. These opportunities do not require a large network infrastructure deployment and as such, with ConnectDirect network partner switches deployed, our REVNET platform can be turned on to generate revenue.
As reflected in the proforma, starting in June of 2021, ConnectDirect will launch our REVNET platform and being captive and direct targeted advertising “take-over” in support of Partner deployed private broadband and Wi-Fi internet service. These deployments though sporadic in 2021 due to pandemic delays, kick into rapid monthly properties completion and online ready for REVNET captive broadband and Wi-Fi targeted digital advertising as well as, where applicable, the open Wi-Fi network access landing page advertising. across the USA.
Revenue growth has been conservatively identified in our proforma which indicates the identified opportunities to that will be available although it is anticipated the number of entities will increase as more REITs are made aware of the revenue opportunities afforded to them through private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi services.
Not reflected on the proforma but will be implemented in 2022 is captive digital Over-the-Top (OTT) streaming service advertising. ConnectDirect along with our network partners and private owner-hosted broadband and Wi-Fi partners will take advantage of network bandwidth and streaming access to transition beyond digital advertising to “surfing” websites on the hosted internet service and expand beyond into the streaming services that are supported by paid digital advertising.