Clear Morning

Speed Networking-Celebrations-Photography-Filming Studio needs additional funding for marketing & venue to increase profit margins.

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Clear Morning is a Photography-Styling, Digital Media, Independent Filming  Studio  with event & coordinating services & artisans space boutique sole proprietorship with Glamour, Architecture, & Fashion Photography/Filming Services. Looking for potential business partners interested in investing $10,000 - $25,000 for a 7%-11% and/or $26,000 - $88,000 12%-15% percentage of Clear Morning profit share. Clear Morning also has several product lines currently available for consumers to purchase thru the website. 
For further details about Clear Morning Speed Networking, Speed Dating Photography/Filming Studio Website URL:

Clear-Morning Business Vitae available upon request.
Krystal-Dawn Woodruff
(832)302-6897 mobile phone line
(713)899-3431 studio phone line
[email protected] 
[email protected]

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