CleanFuel Nutrition

5 Years Forecast - Sales: $24.37 million - Growth: 66.90% YoY - EBITDA / Sales: 11.24% - ROI: x5.29 - Payback period: 3 years

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Native-American owned business providing all-natural & safer alternatives to supplements through a health-first approach to the market.


At the moment we are looking for funding in order to finance the net working capital and comply with a recent request from a major retailer willing to purchase our inventory to be displayed throughout their network consisting of 28 stores and an online retail store fulfilling orders for an online fitness group with more than 10,000 members. This opportunity will be a major breakthrough for our brand, allowing us to expand at a national level and potentially beyond, growing from a local company to a household fitness supplements brand. 

We need $310,000 of funding to finance our first year of commercial operations, including professional services, staff salaries, net working capital, general expenses and marketing costs for customer acquisition With an estimated gross margin of 24.94% we will be able to break even during our third year of activity, and reinvest accrued profits to potentially scale-up operations at an international level through digital sales without any additional capital injection required. 

The new expansion opportunity will empower us to boost our online sales (177.00% markup on costs), online subscriptions and recurring revenue, target new segments and substantially increase our retail sales (55.00% markup on costs), which will result in a dramatic increase in gross profit and EBITDA during our first year of expansion. Upon successful growth and establishment of more solid business relationships, growing brand awareness, retail business expansion and reduction of hard costs, we can reasonably expect our projections to be favorable throughout the forecasted period. Considering all the factors, our company is poised for remarkable growth for the years to come. 

5 Years Forecast - Sales: $24.37 million - Growth: 66.90% YoY - EBITDA / Sales: 11.24% - ROI: x5.29 - Payback period: 3 years 

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