City Bowls South

Raising $100k for restaurant expansion and debt consolidation.

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City Bowls South is a veteran and locally owned restaurant and food truck in Gulf Breeze, FL, serving gourmet açaí fruit bowls, smoothies, and coffee! We have built a loyal following of customers over our first 5 years of business in the Pensacola area. We were the first to bring açaí bowls in a mobile food truck to the market 5 years ago and 2.5 years ago opened a restaurant in Gulf Breeze.   Our hearts are to be a light in our community providing healthy and delicious options with excellence in product, excellence in service, and the consistency in both, and it shows in our customer loyalty.   Our customers and our team are like family.  In addition to excellence in quality and service we teach our team life skills and the big picture of business developing leaders.  This business has continued to grow over the past 5 years and this loan will help take the business to the next level.  We are seeking a $100K loan in order to pay off existing high payment debt.  The loans got us through the tough slower years to build the business to the strength it is now.  The high payments, however, are now taking more than our profit which will only snowball our efforts in the wrong direction, if we are not able lower our payments.  This amount also provides an additional mobile platform which will expand the business to a larger market.  We will be able to accommodate the daily requests we have from customers for private and business events, while continuing to run the existing restaurant and food truck.  For five years we have poured out our hearts, time, blood, sweat and finances to successfully get the business to the steady sales and continued growth we are at today.  Our projected sales for 2024 with the restaurant, food truck and additional mobile platform is 600k.  However, we desperately need your help getting the final hurdle out of the way to keep running the race.  In the future,  our hope is to be able to help others do the same.  We would be so grateful for your consideration to help a small business continue to make a positive difference in our community. 

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