CCmoney, Inc.

2,500,000 shares at $20/share for a maximum of $50,000,000

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CCmoney is a fintech company in the banking technology business that will protect banks against cyber attacks, enhance services to bank customers and eliminate bank clearing costs. CCmoney will create an additional bank account type so that a customer will be able to have a checking account, a savings account and a CCmoney account. CCmoney will use a coin clipping business model. It will receive, at least, 10% of any fees charged by banks for transactions run through its service. Eventually this will result in very substantial revenue to CCmoney. We expect our growth over time to resemble the growth of Amazon.
 Development of crypto coins and their popularity demonstrates that there is a demand for Internet currency. Crypto is not currency. It is a commodity. CCmoney will meet  the demand. for a real internet legal tender currency.  A CCmoney account is a new type of bank account. A bank customer in the future may have a checking account, a savings account and a CCmoney account. What follows is a narrative about how Norman Katz, the inventor and founder of CCmoney, first came up with the idea and the CCmoney benefits to banking.
 Worldwide Brain
 The idea of CCmoney first occurred to Norman Katz in 1964. He had just been discharged from the Army and was aware of efforts being made in the military to get computers in all the branches to speak to each other. This was before the internet. Mr. Katz imagined that all the computers in the world would one day be able to communicate with each other much like a worldwide brain. His vision was to create a banking system that would allow strangers to do business with each other in a secure and amicable way. Hence he first developed the algorithm for a peer to peer interactive letter of credit system. Over the years, as Mr. Katz worked on the CCmoney project, he began to deal with issues of security, clearing costs paid by banks and making the system fast. For example, today if you accept Automated Clearing House transactions through an application like QuickBooks, the money might not arrive in your bank for two to three weeks: and, QuickBooks will charge you a fee. With CCmoney, the transfer would happen overnight and the transferor would receive instantaneous confirmation and a guarantee of delivery. Plus there would be no transfer fees charged by CCmoney.
 Protecting Banks Against Cyber Attacks:
 Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, was asked by Maria Bartiroma in a recent interview, "What keeps you up at night?" His response was that he was most disturbed by the possibility that our massively centralized bank databases could be taken down by malicious hackers. There are many probing attacks coming every minute from groups in Russia and elsewhere. Eventually they will find a way to remove all transactional and Meta data from our banking system. This will be either a malware attack for profit or a cyber warfare attack by enemy states. CCmoney technology will protect the banks against these cyber attacks. CCmoney will protect the banks against cyber attacks in two ways.
 1. It will use massively distributed databases to augment its super massively centralized database and replace or expand backup arrays. This is a completely unique and new paradigm for computer data storage and the details are strictly confidential and proprietary.
 2. Critical parts of the program are going to be burned into our special server chips. These specialized servers will be leased or sold to the banks. Manufacture, sale and leasing of our bank servers will be a separate profit center for CCmoney.
 Eliminating Bank Clearing Costs:
 Before the Check 21 (enacted in 2003 but not fully implemented by banks until about 2007) fax system, banks used to have to bundle the checks by Federal Reserve District and deliver them by armored cars to their respective Federal Reserve District Bank. The Federal Reserve district banks would then fly the bundles to each Federal Reserve District Bank. Each Federal Reserve District bank would have to break the bundles and sort checks according the bank on which they were drawn. It was a costly process. Now Check 21 has eliminated the transportation and bundling labor costs. But the faxed images still have to be cleared against the bank upon which they are drawn one at a time. The magnetic ink on the bottom of the check is still used to identify the bank and customer account to be charged. This is an analogue as opposed to a digital process.  CCmoney is 100% digital.  So, Check 21 is a big improvement but still a relatively slow process and subject to error. Human beings still have to scan the checks into readers. CCmoney will be a completely digital process. Its clearing engine will be very fast and not subject to read or handling errors.
 Even though banks are now using a fax system to clear checks. Checks are still very prevalent in our payment systems. When you go online at your bank to pay a bill, as often as not, the bank will debit your account immediately, deposit the money in the bank's account, write a check on that account to your payee, put the check in an envelope, address it to your payee, seal the envelope, affix a stamp to the envelope and mail it to your payee. This is very convenient to the user but does nothing to alleviate the clearing burden on the Federal Reserve banks. Banks still have to pay the clearing cost for each check. There are billions of checks that are cleared by the Federal Reserve System each year. It is estimated that the full cost including labor and fees to clear a single check is $1.22. The process is analogue because physical checks have to be fed into an optical scanner one at a time and the magnetic ink on the bottom of the checks has to be read by the optical scanners. CCmoney's payment system will be completely digital making its process almost instantaneous. The user of the system will be performing the act of creating l's and 0's that will be transmitted at the speed of electricity to the CCmoney Virtual Money Storage and Transfer Protocol (VMSTP). VMSTP is a proprietary network of servers that will make transactions for all intents and purposes instantaneous for users of the system. Transactions will be processed automatically in billionths of a second.
 Enhancing Services to Bank Customers
 CCmoney will offer digital services to bank customers. For example, its interactive peer to peer interactive letter of credit routine is new to banking services.
 Thank you.
 Norm Katz, CPA
 Chairman and CFO
 CCmoney, Inc.
 Dallas TX
 Cell: 808-888-9941

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