CCHCCS is a female Black-owned culturally specific healthcare consulting business focused on educating individuals, healthcare facilities, healthcare providers and other social institutions about best practices and programs toward improving healthcare delivery systems through a health planning model called the DEEEP (diversity, equity, equality, engagement, processes) project.

Requesting a 200K to positively impact poor health outcomes toward improving quality of care services for minority and underserved populations.

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CCHCCS  Executive Summary:

The Claybrooks Cultural Health Care Consulting Services (CCHCCS), LLC is a culturally based online member management business known as the “multi-focused feedback factory.” We have 45-plus years of professional work and lived experience, including patient advocacy, policy development, and cultural analysis using evidence-based research concepts, and community resources and health assessments. Our business plan offers various services such as cultural competency, healthcare consulting, coaching, and policy advising to individuals, families, and federal, city, county, and state agencies. We cater services to licensed healthcare facilities, healthcare administrative professionals and providers, managed coordinated care, and healthcare community-based organizations seeking quality culturally based practices. 
We accomplish these services by identifying, assessing, and analyzing appropriate 
organizational policies, procedures, practices, and programs. We, therefore, suggest culturally sensitive recommendations toward improving the quality-of-care services for minorities and their communities. The expected benefits of using these multiple model-focused approaches and concepts, such as diversity, equity, equality, and engagement processes (DEEEP), will result in healthier patient outcomes and organizational improvements throughout Oregon and the nation. 
The Claybrooks Cultural Health Care Consulting Services (CCHCCS) helps to resolve specific organizational cultural competency problems and transitions through its unique multiple focused feedback lenses model. It improves customer opportunities by providing insight into their corporate practices. It analyzes policies and evaluates programs, day-to-day operations, and outcome objectives to reflect inclusionary services encompassing the DEEEP analytical approach.
Our efforts aim to meet better the unmet health and healthcare needs of racial and ethnic underserved, underrepresented, and geographic populations by assisting the healthcare industry using these perspective approaches. The purpose is to coach, assist, and advise the healthcare delivery markets with purposeful and principled services to make reasonable and impartial implementation recommendations, assuring sustainable solutions. 
These diversified activities help ensure healthcare professionals engage in practices to provide culturally appropriate incentivized services. We accomplish these services by incorporating our goals, mission, vision, and core values into our strategic objective planning, budgeting, policy analysis, program evaluation, and implementation planning. We also address minority motivational human resource training and staffing needs through organizational and leadership developments. 
The CCHCCS specializes in these areas of expertise based on background first-hand lived,  academic, community outreach, and professional experiences. We use unique insights, implementation planning skills, learned knowledge, abilities, and community connections. We provide culturally specific guiding principles toward achieving cultural equity, equality, and community engagement. This method enhances quality organizational practices that are feasible, flexible, sustainable, and serviceable.

CCHCCS Mission, vision, goal, and Core Values Statements:

 Goal:To enhance the quality of care for minority populations through educating healthcare providers by teaching appropriate cultural competency skills using specific guiding principles of diversity, equality, equity, and engagement processes (DEEEP) with the expectation of eliminating health disparities and poor health outcomes resulting in improved health status, increased access, and quality of care services. Ultimately, this work will result in prolonged quality-of-life outcomes. 
Mission:To provide cultural healthcare consulting using multiple lenses focused on culturally competent medical care services informing and educating individuals, families, healthcare facilities, government agencies, coordinated care, and community-based healthcare organizations in Oregon and throughout the nation. We will accomplish this by evaluating organizational practices, policies, procedures, and programs to improve clinical and administrative services and minority patient-provider relationships and treatment outcomes. 
Vision: CCHCCS foresees many service areas toward improving organizational policies, procedures, practices, and programs resulting in culturally competency healthcare services that will benefit all future clientele over the next ten years and beyond.

Core Values: Ensuring equal and equitable access to high-quality care services through principled practices and policies focusing on organizational and patient-centered health and improved programmatic services and outcomes. 

· Equity 
· Equality 
· Engagement 
· Excellence 
· Empowerment 
· Encouragement 
CCHCC’s short and long-term goals are based on a 3-year plan as described below: 
Short-term goals 
·        By August 2024 to have accessed start-up funding 
·        By September 2024 to have established H.R. business-related documents for hiring purposes and legalities 
·        By December 2024 to have secured 10 clientele relationships 
Long-term goals 
·                  By January 2025 to have attained sufficient funds for working capital 
·                  By April 2025, to have developed at least 15 additional client relationships 
·                  By June 2025 to have hired additional culturally diverse staff members 
·                  By August 2027, to have secured a physical space for operational activities

CCHCCS uses culturally sensitive lenses to assess, analyze, and address external and internal health-related policy issues, impacts, and outcomes. Some examples of our services include: 
·                  Cultural Competency Consulting 
·                  Policy Analysis 
·                  Individual Coaching 
We also examine financial sheets, budgeting, medical care barriers, physical and mental access to treatment services, and other known or unknown challenges. Other extended services include evaluating these aspects of a healthcare facility: 
·                  Human resources staffing techniques 
·                  Hiring and firing practices 
·                  Employee-employer-sponsored private health insurance coverage plans 
·                  Risk management and equipment allocations 
·                  Financial feasibility 
·                  Organizational and operational sustainability needs 
·                  Promotional and developmental marketing growth 

 As a result of purchasing our services, our customers benefit by resolving their internal and external problems observed in their clinical and administrative provisions. Our clients’ advantages are the opportunities to gain an in-depth understanding of culturally innovative and creative ways to enhance their various minority client services. This benefit is accomplished by increasing consumer satisfaction and organizational activities with purposefully anticipated outcomes. Helping these targeted clients improves their patient health outcomes, organizational financial practices, policies and programs, and other consumer or patient-related health outcomes. 
Our analytical DEEEP approach benefits our customers by sharing essential concepts that enable them to recognize cultural considerations and utilize practices to resolve their acknowledged problematic daily operational plans. These activities include providing insights into their management leadership styles, recruitment of diverse staff, and development of administrative policies, diagnostics, billing procedures, and treatment interventions. For example, our clients benefit from educating them on applying appropriate cultural principles to achieve their goals, mission, vision, and sustainable operational practices. 
Therefore, the overall benefits of our services help our healthcare professionals and clients by eliminating racial bias, discrimination, stigmas, social determinants of health inequalities, and inequities. These benefits help thwart racial and ethnic disproportionate job promotional opportunities and premature death rates among minority groups compared to their white counterparts. CCHCCS will distribute its services via the following platforms. 
·                  Social Media, Instagram, Twitter, FB 
·                  Google sites 
·                  Brochures, Talk shows, Flyers 
·                  Word of mouth 
·                  Advertisements 
·                  Newspaper Announcements 
·                  Notifications of existence 
In ensuring quality for our targeted customers, we demonstrate collaborative engagement methods. This task requires practical skills, such as critical thinking, active listening, analyzing root cause issues, and understanding and interpreting complex variables. The DEEEP model’s approach is the primary means by which we assess and address problematic areas. We rely on our collective proven expertise as tenured 45-year professionals with direct lived experience and as community activists and patient advocates. We also use academic research, knowledge, training, programmatic interventions, strategic planning and implementation, policy analyses and proposals, and community grassroots organizing. 
CCHCCS foresees multiple professional services and perspectives in crucial service areas. These services include evaluating clinical, front, and back-office, daily administrative operations, budgeting, pre-planning, and program interventions, such as patient education services in self-care, physical exercise, inclusionary cultural services, involving linguistic, health literacy readiness, problem-solving, strategic planning, root cause analyses, and other related health research factors. 
CCHCCS’s goals are to enhance the quality-of-care services for minority healthcare consumers by focusing on cultural competency applications using specific consulting, coaching, advising, and guiding concepts. While emphasizing these principles through the lenses of diversity, equity, equality, and engagement processes (DEEEP), this approachwill improve the delivery of medical care services. Implementing these goals helps to meet better the unmet health and healthcare needs of minority marginalized populations and their communities. Achieving this objective requires increasing understanding and eliminating health disparities and poor health outcomes. The expectation of implementing these tasks will manifest, resulting in underrepresented populations’ improved health status and quality of care services received materializing in prolonged quality of life outcomes. 
Our combined skills as health educators, project managers, program developers, and program outcome evaluators have given us impeccable knowledge, qualifications, and opportunities to inspect and interpret meaningful shared facts of perceived realities from the most impacted populations. Gleaning accurate meaning from their shared information, we make sound recommendations. Based on these skillsets, interactions, and analytical findings, we resolve the issues with 90% accuracy. The proposal explanations for implementing our written strategies manifest in the final results for clients’ future reference. 
By addressing these elements, we provide our clients with solid advice to alleviate or eliminate those identified problematic areas contributing to ongoing health inequities and health disparities. Understanding these potent factors and standards allow us to empower our clients by demonstrating quality techniques with excellent outcomes. Our designs consist of unique insights, critical thinking abilities, and analytical evaluations by focusing on the multiple concepts of the DEEEP approach using the “how to” principles of engagement. 
·        How to implement culturally appropriate practices 
·        How to increase the bottom line with culturally relevant practices 
·        How to recognize provider implicit racial bias 
·        How to build cultural minority community trust 
·        How to apply cultural competency to patient-centered care services 
·        How to develop relevant DEI policies, practices, and programs

The cultural health care consulting marketing research focuses on client discoveries and competitive analysis. This specific focus enables us to find potential customers and remain highly competitive and unique in achieving our health equity goals, mission, and vision, by using core values principles in aligning and applying cultural strategies to the healthcare marketing standardized platforms, policies, programs, and practices. Understanding the benefits of marketing research helps us meet the high demand of customer desires seeking appropriate means of cultural diversity, equity, and inclusionary services. We address this need by demonstrating the ability to apply the acquired knowledge based on the collected data, which allows us a competitive edge in discerning the environmental conditions, economic benefits, and demographics. These benefits make our specific cultural competency skills and services essential throughout the healthcare industry both locally and nationally. Why? The statistical evidence-based research findings of disproportionate negative impacts resulting from low quality of care observed in lack of cultural awareness, the distributive services of unequal diagnostics and treatments, and poor health outcomes in minorities are of the utmost importance. 
These outcomes are known to stem from the implicit racial bias of healthcare professionals and providers reflected in their health administrative policies, distribution of information, and patient programs. Based on these premises, we are confident that our targeted clientele market serving in these capacities of different medical sectors, geographic, and socio-economic demographic segments will benefit many professional practices and healthcare consumers. For example, our chosen market comprises public and private employer-sponsored health insurance businesses, individuals, families, federal and state agencies, licensed healthcare facilities, healthcare administrative professionals and physicians, managed coordinated care, and healthcare community-based organizations. 
Our specialized services are critical because of minimal and inferior supply and substantial societal demand for cultural awareness about unachieved health equity and inequalities around racial and ethnic lack of social determinants of health distribution and equal employment opportunities. Due to a lack of public consciousness of cultural competence insensitivities creates significant need for these culturally ignited services. Because of cultural inferior accomplishments, it is necessary to prioritize, promote, educate, and achieve cultural diversity, equity, equality, engagement, and inclusion. It is through these frameworks of multiple lenses that we use equal, fair, and just means and methods enabling appropriate adequate awareness and access to the community’s scarce social and financial resources. 
The present size of the healthcare market is significantly large, offering general administrative consulting services. However, culturally specific healthcare consulting, coaching, and policy advising for quality-of-care improvements on behalf of Black African Americans and other racial and ethnic populations are low. Therefore, the consulting industry competition is undersaturated and underrepresented in this focused field of cultural expertise, awareness, and adequate training. 
CCHCCS intends to price its services based on its customer’s organizational requested needs for service enhancements on behalf of their minority clients. For example, the price of these services is determined by comparing our competitor’s pricing, the cost of CCHCCS’ efforts in providing these services, and the calculated unit price needed to generate a fair profit commensurate with competitors. Also, we consider the department of labor’s pricing for our geographic area. CCHCCS will focus on the completion time to conduct thorough process and program evaluations, root cause policy analyses, and other identified considerations. These objective strategic activities are needed to achieve our targeted customers’ requests, goals, mission, and vision. 
The healthcare community is the intended marketing industry for which we are providing cultural consulting and advising services. It is of phenomenal size encompassing many complex and fragmented components. Its institutionalized systems consist of many delivery design key elements such as financing, 
management, health insurance coverage plans, and distributions of quality-of-care treatment, diagnostic, and preventative services. The expected share of the collected proceeds from providing these services ranges from 50% to 70% of the calculated cost per unit per service. 
Therefore, we anticipate a four thousand five-hundred-dollar profit based on these cultural services and design elements. We have calculated a set fee of $4500.00 per unit of services pending a month duration for multiple project completion. The anticipated profit will total $54,000.00 per year, including the cost of production, totaling $500.00 per unit per month. This profit includes $2,500.00 per unit of production, totaling $30,000.00 per year in profits extending two weeks for single finished projects. The maximum combined earned profits would be $84,000.00 per year minus the cost of production; the resulting gain would generate revenues of $24,000.00 for single production and $48,000.00 for multiple productions. After measuring per-unit expenditures, the total combined price would be $72, 000.00 per year, calculating for both single and various services for one fiscal year. 
With the expectation of earning a profit, we arrived at a price based on a formula using units per service. These earnings would generate sufficient revenues at $4,000.00 per month per service unit, yielding $48,000.00 for one year. And for 12 months, priced at $2,000.00 per month, it would generate a profit of $24,000.00 during one fiscal year. 
Many clients will pay this price because it is reasonable, competitive, accessible, affordable, sensible, fair, and offers rewarding benefits. Benefits such as these appropriately serve society’s wealth, cultural general health, and well-being status, while enhancing economic, determinants of health, and quality care services received. All investors reap economic growth from improved quality assurance practices, better treatment regimens, strengthened minority patient-provider relationships, and widespread community trust. These valuable, culturally appropriate service improvements build staff confidence, enhance retention, and recruit diversified staff. These benefits result in dignified communities, heightened public trust, patient satisfaction, and healthier outcomes. 
CCHCCS looks forward to competition because it helps us understand the external environments. Therefore, our work ethics and operational practices differ with varying characteristics. Firstly, we offer creative vision based on minority demographic needs and our unique, diverse traits of personal, professional, academic, and community activism engagement experiences. These qualities allow us to hone our specialty cultural competency, DEI practical knowledge, and application skills. Secondly, we excel in performance by demonstrating our critical thinking and analytical abilities derived from the DEEEP design model, including consulting and coaching techniques. Using this approach, we provide valuable insight, hindsight, and foresight encompassing various lenses to assess, address, and analyze critical elements. Thirdly, we teach hands-on techniques about identifying, developing, applying, aligning, and implementing essential objective strategies. These planned approaches differentiate us from other entities providing similar or limited services. These practices help achieve healthier outcomes by eliminating harmful contributing factors, such as health inequalities, inequities, and disparities. 
CCHCCS plans to stay vigilant by conducting research, surveys, assessing internal and external challenges, and garnering feedback from minority healthcare consumers and their communities to remain knowledgeable, current, and competitive in this market. These observations and activities keep us alert and informed to ensure consistency and stability in sustaining long and short-term social healthcare services within the environments resulting in improved outcomes such as human health status including quality of life. 
CCHCCS’s recognized strengths lie within its CEO and founder’s personal, professional, and academic visionary capacities. These characteristics strengthen our ability to analyze healthcare issues and effectively impact problem-solving. These lived experiences enable the CEO with unique discernments, including insight, hindsight, and foresight skills, knowledge, and abilities to display integrity while ensuring competence and competitive attitudes. It empowers CCHCCS with the incentive tool of critical thinking to investigate, navigate, educate, 
research, and evaluate the healthcare industry’s organizations, practices, policies, programs, and environmental living conditions. These activities are crucial for assessing and resolving racial and ethnic health inconsistencies to improve or eliminate socio-cultural affiliated harmful impacts. 
CCHCS’ best opportunities are realized in its specific culturally incentivized DEEP model thinking application activities through innovative multiple-colored lenses. The healthcare industry has recognized a fast-growing need for cultural sensitivities and inclusiveness and the importance of changing how it structures, delivers, distributes, and manages its medical services. The DEEP approach emphasizes the multi-focused feedback factory tagline. In so doing, it reflects unlimited possibilities and opportunities to contribute to positive changes. Effecting cultural changes help reinforce our socially constructed health institutions to overcome embedded physical, racial, linguistic, and financial barriers. 
CCHCCS’s perceived external and internal challenges or threats are securing financial investors during the pandemic COVID crisis, other uprisings, and existing well-known cultural organizations claiming similar missions. Thereby, this scenario creates competitive interventions in maintaining staff morale. However, leadership also sees this as a huge opportunity to qualify for scarce funding resources. A threat also presents a chance to provide CCHCCS an opportunity to comprehensively engage the market, offering resilient, feasible, and crucial quality and culturally appropriate services. These measures will address the specific person-centered care needs for minority populations long endured before the COVID pandemic. 
Using the critical thinking process helps promote the best activities in recommending objective strategies toward eradicating racial and ethnic health inequities, health inequalities, and health disparities. The DEEP model method enables us to educate, encourage, and engage health professionals and providers in considering better financial and cultural policies, practices, programs, and organizational planning effectively and efficiently. Thwarting such poor quality of care health outcomes requires deep root cause analysis and unprecedented measured actions. As a result, applying our unique DEEEP design renders robust solutions and recommendations for quality improvement implementations. 
CCHCCS looks forward to competition because it helps us understand the external environments. Therefore, our work ethics and operational practices differ with varying characteristics: 
1.                We offer creative vision based on minority demographic needs and our unique, diverse traits of personal, professional, academic, and community activism engagement experiences. These qualities allow us to hone our specialty cultural competency, DEI practical knowledge, and application skills. 
2.                We excel in performance by demonstrating our critical thinking and analytical abilities derived from the DEEEP design model, including consulting and coaching techniques. Using this approach, we provide valuable insight, hindsight, and foresight encompassing various lenses to assess, address, and analyze critical elements. 
3.                We teach hands-on techniques about identifying, developing, applying, aligning, and implementing essential objective strategies. 
These planned approaches differentiate us from other entities providing similar or limited services. These practices help achieve healthier outcomes by eliminating harmful contributing factors, such as health inequalities, inequities, and disparities. 
CCHCCS plans to stay vigilant by conducting surveys, assessing internal and external challenges, and garnering feedback from healthcare consumers and their communities to remain knowledgeable, current, and competitive in this market. These observations and activities keep us alert and informed to ensure consistency and stability in sustaining long-term social environments and human health status. 
CCHCCS’s recognized strengths lie within its CEO and founder’s personal, professional, and academic visionary capacities. These characteristics strengthen our ability to analyze healthcare issues and effectively impact problem-solving. These lived experiences enable the CEO with unique discernments, including insight, hindsight, and foresight skills, knowledge, and abilities to display integrity while ensuring competence and competitive attitudes. It empowers CCHCCS with the incentive tool of critical thinking to investigate, navigate, educate, research, and evaluate the healthcare industry’s organizations, practices, policies, programs, and environmental living conditions. These activities are crucial for assessing and resolving racial and ethnic health inconsistencies to improve or eliminate socio-cultural affiliated harmful impacts. 
CCHCCS’ best opportunities are realized in its specific culturally incentivized DEEP model thinking application activities through innovative multiple-colored lenses. The healthcare industry has recognized a fast-growing need for cultural sensitivities and inclusiveness and the importance of changing how it structures, delivers, distributes, and manages its medical services. The DEEP approach emphasizes the multi-focused feedback factory tagline. In so doing, it reflects unlimited possibilities and opportunities to contribute to positive changes. Effecting cultural differences help reinforce our socially constructed health institutions to overcome embedded physical, racial, linguistic, and financial barriers. 
 CCHCCS’s perceived external and internal challenges or threats are securing financial investors during the pandemic COVID crisis, other uprisings, and existing well-known cultural organizations claiming similar missions. Thereby, this scenario creates competitive interventions in maintaining staff morale. However, leadership also sees this as a huge opportunity to qualify for scarce funding resources. A threat also presents a chance to provide CCHCCS an opportunity to comprehensively engage the market, offering resilient, feasible, and crucial quality and culturally appropriate services. These measures will address the specific person-centered care needs for minority populations long endured before the COVID pandemic. 
Using the critical thinking process helps promote the best activities in recommending objective strategies toward eradicating racial and ethnic health inequities, health inequalities, and health disparities. The DEEP model method enables us to educate, encourage, and engage health professionals and providers in considering better financial and cultural policies, practices, programs, and organizational planning effectively and efficiently. 
Thwarting such poor quality of care health outcomes requires deep root cause analysis and unprecedented measured actions. As a result, applying our unique DEEEP design renders robust solutions and recommendations for quality improvement implementations. 
There is minimal minority market competition with purposeful and appropriate staffing leadership providing multiple focused racial and ethnic cultural health care consulting, coaching, and advising services. This competitive difference includes a lack of lived experience absent of accurate application, interpretation of reality, identification of minority obstacles, and effective implementations with adequate considerations and recommendations. These components are crucial for addressing unmet and complicated health policy matters and generating sustainable revenues. 
CCHCCS’ leadership possesses the analytical and intellectual abilities of unique insight, hindsight, and foresight into qualitative and quantitative Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA, and other minorities’ health differences, issues, and impacts. Such external challenges and circumstances stem from a lack of sustainable, effective, and efficient policies, practices, programs, and organizational management of appropriate identified elements of the delivery of health care services. CCHCCS intends to operate from dynamic perspectives to resolve challenging problems using creative strategies addressing diversity, equity, equality, and engagement procedural (DEEEP) issues. 
This innovative analytical approach allows us to abate and or eliminate institutional socio-ecological barriers to accessible, affordable, and high-value quality of care services resulting in improved health outcomes. This strategic intervention and application will suffice for all healthcare consumers and markets, including corporate clientele, government agencies, individuals, families, health consumers, healthcare providers, funders, healthcare facilities, businesses, and disenfranchised populations in their communities. 

CCHCCS can achieve market expansion in a plethora of ways. It can attract and keep its clients by developing a mixed marketing plan according to the principles of evidence-based practices referred to as the seven “Ps” of service marketing. Explaining the “P” principled components in the image provided below helps to enlighten and guide our efforts in a positive direction toward expanding our marketing activities around people, physical evidence, process, promotion, product, price, and place. This method includes marketing and promoting our DEEEP consulting, advising, and coaching services with a central focus on our targeted customers. 
To engage and remind our targeted audiences and customers of our presence. We will invest in repetitive announcements and commercials via social media platforms, community, and local newspapers, radio, and T.V. advertisements. Furthermore, we will promote our existence by posting our business flyers, business cards, and brochures bulleting our services and socio-economic benefits gained and contact information.  
 Our online CCHCCS activities will include overseeing social media feedback, collecting application requests for services, and online payments. CCHCCS activities include scheduling, corresponding, managing, and evaluating necessary information with specific recommendations for administrative assistance based on its principled guidelines of offered services. 
CCHCCS’ DEEP multi-factory focused lens approach will assist families, individuals, governmental agencies, community-based health organizations, and primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities with unique considerations and recommendations toward providing person-centered appropriate cultural and medical care services. The expectation is to help these establishments improve their delivery of healthcare services. This endeavor requires focusing on how they hire, practice, manage, finance, develop policies, and implement cultural programmatic specialty services. Such services and health outcomes will address recognizing, incorporating, and preventing, minority poor quality of care outcomes, racial and ethnic health inequities, health disparities, and treatment inequalities, including provider implicit racial bias. CCHCCS’ culturally specific services will assist these health entities in addressing, eliminating, and improving ongoing unsystematic and unequal health outcomes. 
Distribution of information informing of cultural services to people of color and their community about healthcare delivery clinics and facilities providing specialty and culturally appropriate treatments and diagnostics for specific communities helps establish patient-provider relationships and public trust. To attract attention to our services, we promote our quote, “To achieve the change we seek requires changing the face of leadership.” We are the unprecedented entrepreneurial experts working toward achieving clients’ desired changes. Here is how we do it! 
·                  CCHCCS plans to market its branding cultural multi-focused feedback factory image more known by providing health care consulting and advising services in different ways. 
·                  We will implement several campaign activities to engage and increase stakeholders’ public awareness of its existence. 
·                  We will promote word of mouth. 
·                  We will design online flyers and disseminate them via social media, including F.B., Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, and local newspapers, etcetera (etc.). 
·                  We will participate in radio advertisements. 
·                  Set up interviews with organizations 
·                  We will develop news announcements and generate press releases for our go-live launch day. 
·                  We will inform all potential healthcare entities, including government agencies, health administrators/CEOs, Grant funders, philanthropists, etc. 
We have yet to get a physical location. However, when funds become available, we have a perfect place right off the main thoroughfare with 100% visibility from the street and sufficient space for parallel free parking. The building is desirable because it is easy to access. 
The community needs our services because no immediate businesses provide our specialty services. The surrounding area also has shopping centers, restaurants, primary care facilities, and urgent care clinics with secondary specialty care physicians’ practices. We need a long-term lease that would sustain us over three years. After which, we will reevaluate our financial growth situation. And at that time, we will decide whether it is better to renew our lease or seek a larger space to hire additional staff members. The building is close to our targeted populations and other potential businesses, such as retail stores. 
The Claybrooks Cultural Health Care Consulting Services (CCHCCS), LLC was established on August 31, 2021, by its CEO and founder, Glendora Claybrooks. It is an accessible online Oregon-based sole member proprietorship business that intends to reflect multi-focused feedback factory (M-FFF) solutions. Our targeted clientele includes individuals, families, local, county, federal, and state agencies, licensed primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare facilities, allied healthcare providers, managed and coordinated care, and community-based organizations. 
Glendora’s background encompasses 45-plus years of lived and professional experiences, including consulting, coaching, direct clinical and administrative healthcare services, and office business management. She performed in family primary care centers, secondary and tertiary clinical care services, as a community health advocate, and as a private homecare worker. Glendora has established and managed new clinic setups and taught college-level administrative and medical courses in pharmacology, pathology, physiology, cultural competence, and procedural diagnostic, billing, and coding, such as CPT, ICD-9-10, and HCPCS. While working in these capacities, she gained administrative skills in problem-solving, strategic planning, policy and program development, and written program evaluation reports. To this end, opportunities such as these help CCHCCS perform its professional services at maximum efficiency and effectiveness. We are the change you need. 
Glendora’s educational qualifications meet and exceed any standardized marketing and business managerial requirements. Her unique skills, abilities, and knowledge to manage effectively and efficiently are self-evident. She has achieved numerous certifications and certificates for health readiness competencies, political community organizing, grassroots canvassing, engagement, and participation. For example, she has acquired a state workforce certification in health preparedness and readiness, an Oregon license in Behavioral Analysis, national certification in medical health administration and clinical procedures, and a professional healthcare business consultant certificate. In addition, she has dual undergraduate degrees in community health education studies and health sciences. She earned advanced dual degrees in health administration and public management. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate specializing in public health policy. 
Glendora participated in many counties and local community-based health organizations. Her past and current roles and responsibilities included serving as Governor Kate Brown’s appointed and Senate-confirmed public official while analyzing policies and performing consulting activities. She served two terms as a 2019 Joint Task Force member on Universal Health Care and its Community Council Advisory Committee Chair. She did two two-year terms, 2015-2019, on Oregon’s state federally mandated Medicare and Medicaid Advisory Committee. 
In addition, Glendora served two (two-year, 2010-2014) terms on the Health Share of Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organization’s Council Advisory Committee. She served two (three-year terms, 2012-2018) on the Health Care for all Oregon (HCAO) Board of Directors and as Chair of its Health Equity Committee. She served on the Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs (OABA) organization’s Board of Directors and as Chair of its Health Care and Political Action Committees. Lastly, Glendora participated in the tri-counties of Washington, Clackamas, Multnomah’s Willamette Cultural Community Assessment Committee, and the Oregon Health Authority’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cultural Competency Educational Committees. 
We promote a conceptualized focus design around diversity, equity, equality, and engagement processes (DEEEP), pronounced as deep. This design is essential because its elements represent the critical thinking concepts that drive the M-FFF effort. This process guides the purposeful DEEEP services model of expectations to achieve the intended outcomes for the selected clients we serve. 
DEEEP is an evidence-based conceptualized model used as an invasive evaluative root cause analysis tool. This concept helps to explore and explain related cultural issues, interventions, impacts, and implications of well-intended corporate administrative healthcare services and outcomes. This method reflects shared insight, hindsight, and foresight into the historical and current fragmented healthcare system structures. Its structured organizational leadership, management, reimbursement, finances, delivery, and distribution of services include internal decision-making processes, built-in practices, principles, policies, health programs, strategic objective plans, benefits, and other anticipated consequences. 
Based on this model, CCHCCS (C-Checks) offers multiple focused perspectives around discovering embedded minority issues. This viewpoint will improve or eliminate the poor quality of care services resulting in improved practices and programmatic outputs yielding tangible benefits. This deep thinking mirrors decision-making processes addressing staffing, culturally appropriate behavioral services, and unintentionally biased thoughts. These considerations will better provide, promote, and achieve DEEEP quality of care services, including clinical and administrative daily operational activities in front and back-office procedures. 
This DEEEP approach helps accomplish CCHCCS’ mission, goals, vision, and core values toward providing cultural consulting and advising services to address the unmet healthcare needs of minority populations and their communities. This process exemplifies the potential to effectively manage the theoretical and conceptual requirements of improving, sustaining, and maintaining the quality of care, expanded access, and affordable medical costs. It will also stabilize our state’s health economy and mitigate the anticipated COVID-19 pandemic crisis impacts. 
This approach will help address staff’s cultural awareness in their organizational leadership development skills. They may harbor implicit racial bias and other unidentified and unintended cultural incompetencies. As an evaluative, analytical tool, this process allows for internal inspection of Human Resource practices, programs, procedures, and other developmental plans to increase knowledge and awareness. Our services include but are not limited to analyzing decision-making processes, pre-planning, program interventions, problem-solving, objective strategic planning, root causes, and cost-benefit analyses using evidence-based health research findings. 
Historically, we have achieved anticipated results in resolving problems using various socio-cultural frameworks. This approach has appreciated 90% of successful outcomes in our recommended solutions, most notably in cultural problem-solving and strategic planning. These procedural outcomes reflect the CEO’s accumulated lived, professional, and academic experiences informed by evidence-based practices. And we acknowledged different viewpoints, most notably on defining and implementing diversity, equity, and inclusionary (DEI) strategies to achieve cultural competency practices. These principles support the M-FFF DEEEP approaches in determining clients’ needs, evaluating programs, and funding efforts, identifying procedural activities, and achieving objective outcomes. 
This phenomenal model’s application helps build social capital through partnering, collaborating, and sustaining public and private person-centered relationships. It identifies internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. These observed and recognized challenges have resulted in viable resolutions for individuals, families, clinical and administrative offices, government and non-government health agencies, and collaboratively managed care organization practices. These demonstrated difficulties revealed how these entities conducted and delivered their medical services. We have successfully evaluated the educational system resolving policies for special needs students developing appropriate individual educational plans (IEP). 
CCHCCS served five culturally seeking clients desiring best practices on providing culturally competent sensitive services, including county agencies, community-based organizations (CBOs), individuals, and families. Many inquired about medical assistance with specific activities for appropriate cultural treatment diagnostic and bedside mannerisms from non-minority healthcare providers. This action has involved identifying feasible strategies to develop mission and goal statements for non-profit and for-profit entities within Oregon’s public and private healthcare markets and systems. 
CCHCCS’s weaknesses are recognized in its limited human and financial capacities to provide the specialized cultural services needed to achieve its goals and fulfill its mission. Such circumstances impede our marketing and development efforts. Because without sufficient funds to finance or to employ necessary and experienced staff to perform the day-to-day operations. We are at a disadvantage in sustaining and maintaining necessary financial means needed to continue achieving success. As a result, it slows our progress in effecting the anticipated outcomes and subjects us to an increased high risk of unsustainable, ineffective, and inefficient management and delivery of our intended qualitative and quantitative measured services. 
Therefore, to thwart this unintended impact, CCHCCS must seek other means to sustain its business. Business bookings, investments, scholarships, and grant requests are financial activities that will support us over the next three years. Seeking other means requires us to focus on networking for appropriate donors and philanthropists and engage in fundraising and grant writing activities. In addition, consider hiring part-time help rather than full-time staff and look for volunteers seeking college internships. We can continue to work remotely online until we generate sufficient revenues. 
CCHCC’s breakeven points are calculated in the 1-year projection of the profit and loss, cash flow, and balance sheet documents. Based on these revelations, financing will be needed. We will seek funding grants from several sources, such as the National Institutes of Health, fundraising events, and other funders supporting Black-owned female entrepreneurs and for-profit businesses servicing minority 
Planning an exit and risk analysis for a sole proprietorship requires determining the costs for auto insurance, general liability, and overhead liability insurance coverage for business and staffing safety. The business operations, finances, and customers must be considered in developing an exit plan. In so doing, strategies such as a merger and acquisition with a similar business, an initial public offering, selling to an individual, or liquidation and closing, to name a few. Whatever the decision to exit, we must consider whether there is value in the business, whether it meets the sale readiness standards, and whether there are opportunities to increase its valuation. The purpose of this exit plan is to allow the owner to escape without suffering a total financial loss. 
The lessons learned about the healthcare consulting business include staying aware of the competition, the marketing strategy, and the targeted customer’s interests. Other considerations include the need for the services and the bank’s requirements or criteria for lending or investing in these services. 

 [email protected] | (503) 935-9690 | Tualatin, Oregon 97062

 • Results-driven and pragmatic health-care administrator with over 15 years of experience in managing, directing, and proposing health-care policies and practices to health-care facilities; government agencies; and organizations in Oregon, Illinois, and Ohio to improve health-care services • Proactive problem-solver who designs, develops, and improves organizational policies, practices, and programs leading to improved clinical and administrative practices, policies, and outcomes • Positive and supportive morale builder who improves working conditions and performance through promoting critical thinking, training, teaching, and using positive reinforcement  


Cultural competency ▪ Health-care administration ▪ Health-care reform ▪ Health-care policy development ▪ Program planning ▪ Process evaluation ▪ Project management ▪ Human resources ▪ Communication ▪ Training


• Doubled daily patient flow as clinic manager at Chicago Osteopathic Medical Center with no increase in staff through quality and process improvement analysis

• Served on county-level, state-level, and government-level committees, councils, and board of directors recommending and identifying strategies, objectives, and policies for organizational improvement and efficiency

• Worked in acute, specialty, and primary care clinics as well as long-term care facilities and community-based organizations

• Maintained oversight of daily clinical operations, budget development, appropriation of resources, and departmental equipment allocations

• Informed and enforced regulatory compliance requirements, operational policies, and employee and patient safety standards in accordance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration and Joint Commission


Claybrooks Cultural Health Care Consulting Services LLC, Tualatin, OR        | 08/2021–Present
Specialist Health-Care Consultant
Offers consulting in cultural sensitivity, strategic planning, and management, as well as program development
Past Projects:
• Conducted consulting assessments of international association’s agency policy for people with disabilities in Cincinnati, Ohio, with recommendations on how to provide person-centered care to minority populations

• Assessed implementation process for Black Sisterhood’s Black Folk Plan to improve health status and health equity and eliminate poor health outcomes and health disparities among minority populations

• Consulted with family to assess Oregon school district’s individual educational plan policy for students with special needs 
Self-Determination Resources Inc, Portland, OR                                                       | 03/2010 -01/2022
Full-service brokerage that supports clients with developmental disabilities and their families

Registered Community Health Worker
Advocate for patient care services for developmentally disabled and elderly populations

• Help clients navigate healthcare systems to discover services that effectively meet their needs

• Coordinated with community medical, dental, and mental health services and resources

Oregon State Legislative Assembly, Salem, OR                                             | 01/2017–06/2017
State legislature for the state of Oregon

Legislative Assistant
Acted as receptionist

• Performed legislative scheduling, research, correspondence, record keeping, and prioritizing of meetings

• Acted as liaison between constituents and legislator

Oregon Department of Human Services, Portland, OR                                  | 05/2012–06/2013
Supports Oregonians to achieve well-being and independence through opportunities that respect choice and preserve dignity

Private Contractor Consultant
Offered consulting services in In-Home Safety and Reunification Services to promote the immediate safety of children who are at risk of maltreatment

• Advised social workers on how to identify cases and assisted them in child removals

• Mentored social service workers about cultural sensitivities among people of color

• Made recommendations to improve home removal outcomes

SEIU 503, Portland, OR                                                                                                     | 01/2011-05/2012
Healthcare organization that advocates for labor wages and working conditions for state, higher education, non-profit, and government workers as well as care providers

Community Organizer

• Canvassed candidates to increase Service Employees International Union membership

• Advocated for support of political candidates

Carrington College, Portland, OR                                                                    | 08/2007–07/2010
For-profit college that focuses on training students for the healthcare industry
Medical Assistant Instructor
Presented and led development of educational content of medical assistant curriculum to ensure https://www.claybrooks.orgsuccessful academic outcomes

• Implemented and managed curriculum changes to serve students better and enhance success of program

• Conveyed difficult concepts to students and taught them to apply these concepts in practice


Health Literacy Advocate and Research Assistant, Oregon Literary Inc., Portland, OR
Family Resource Coordinator, Native American Rehabilitation Association, Portland, OR


Governor’s Appointee, Joint Task Force of Universal Health Care, Salem, OR                         Ι 2019–Present

President, National Action Network (Portland and Beaverton, Oregon), Portland, OR      | 2010–Present
Board Member and Chair,
Health Equity Committee of Health Care for All Oregon, 

Portland, OR                                                                                                                                              | 2011–2021

Governor’s Appointee, Medicaid Advisory Committee, Salem, OR                        | 2015–2019

Council Advisory Committee Member, Health Share of Oregon, Portland, OR            | 2012–2018


Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Health Services Administration & Public Health Policy,
Walden University, Minneapolis, MN

Graduate Certificate (Public Management), Portland State University, Portland, OR

Master of Science (Health Administration), University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
 Bachelor of Science (Community Health & Health Studies), Portland State University, Portland, OR
Licensed Behavioral Analyst (ABA-IN-10203355), Oregon Health Licensing Behavioral Analysis Regulatory Board)

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CCHCCS is a female Black-owned culturally specific healthcare consulting business focused on educating individuals, healthcare facilities, healthcare providers and other social institutions about best practices and programs toward improving healthcare delivery systems through a health planning model called the DEEEP (diversity, equity, equality, engagement, processes) project. is no longer seeking funding.