
We have a new philanthropic invite only social media platform with movies, games and music and a pay structure for all members.

We have a new Invite only philanthropic new social media platform with content; from movies, music, and video games. We also are paying consumers with our affiliate platform. We can keep every charity funded on a monthly basis and monetize fan bases on other social media sites.  We have pay out options including but not limited to:  CryptoCurrency, Paypal, bank account or A Monytize debit card (physical or virtual card). We are set to pay 150 different countries in their currency.

We have licensing rights for over 80 million songs, over 3000 movie titles, and over 1500 video games.  Our content is set up similar to a netflix model 7.99 unlimited movies, 7.99 unlimited video game play, music is per track similar to Itunes currently, but will transition to a spotify model once funded.

We Just launched in the app store for apple and android phones and will be in TV app stores soon.

We have over a couple thousand users, and are about to send invites out to about 500  Million people worldwide by year end (2021).
(or after we get funded ) We currently have politicians, celebrities, athletes, churchs, schools, and charities signed up in the last 60 days. We expect to expand fast and we are doing this initial round of Investment to be used to purchase more content, expand our IT and Design Division, as well as operating expenses.

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