Catch and shoot drill

Funds will enable the unique drill to be computeried, saving time and money.

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I want to computerize my basketball invention. This will lead to a game changer spin-off, worth a lot of money. Potential customers are schools and recreation centers with basketball team worldwide.
Terry's Catch and shoot basketball drill.


This a unique basketball drill which helps players be better shooters, and helps coaches know which players are suited to different situations.

Market targets - USA/Canada(from Google)

Universities     -        4,090

High schools    -   132,430 

Middle schools-    15,577

Rec. centers     -     17,85

Total                  -    169,962

How to Market

Each unit will retail for $75.00US.

Minus manufacture costs, shipping/handling, 

advertising, taxes, misc. - $25.00US.

Profit - $75 - $25 = $50.00US profit per unit sold.

First year sales(30% of 169,962)      - 50,000 x $50 = $2,500,000US

Second year sales(45% of 169,962) - 75,000 x $50 = $3,750,000US

Third year sales(25% of 169,962)    -  43,000 x $50 = $2,150,000US

 Total                                                                                   $8,400,000US

These figures apply to USA/Canada, which represent about 1/23 of the world's population.    

This is a new invention. In future, many discussions will take place to brainstorm ideas, such as franchising, rules, age groups, categories, league play, tournaments, etc.


I will be the owner, main negotiator and main contact.

I have a full Level 2 Canadian National Coaching Certification in basketball.

I've coached boys and girls high school teams in the Ottawa, Ontario region.

I've coached boys and girls competitive teams in Eastern Ontario.

I was head basketball coach for Ontario, in charge of selecting coaches and players for the North American Indigenous Games from 1996 to about 2003.

My daughter, Pauline McKay, is second in command.

She has a full level 1 NCCP certification. At times, she was my assistant coach.

She has also coached basketball teams in this region.

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