Caring For Seniors Adult Daycare Center, LLC

Raising Funds to Remain Open for our Seniors & Persons with Disabilities

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We are an Adult Day Center, servicing the seniors and persons with disabilities. As the owner, I am finding many of our seniors and persons with disabilities do not have the funds to participate in our center. With that being said, I would love the opportunity to seek funding to keep my establishment open for first 12 months. After the 12 months, I will be able to qualify for Medicaid/Medicare and I will be able to accept those clients who cannot afford to become members.  

I need funding for overhead expenses such as payroll, rent, marketing and security. One of our missions is to empower our clients but also to keep them safe. The funding for the security system cost a minimum of $25,000 and the total Overhead/Funding request is $200,000. 

I am almost at the finish line but I need help for the next 12 months. 

Currently, our center is the only center in our town that serves with the social model. We have a nurse on staff, CNA and driver. We have been approved by the city Commissioners Office to open and now we await our final inspection. This inspection will allow us to be in compliance with coding and zoning requirements for our seniors and persons with disabilities.  At that point, we will be granted a Certificate of Occupancy. 

I can assure you if you invest into our center, you will be supporting an underserve population and help keep the clients safe. 

I thank you in advance for any help you can give.    

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Caring For Seniors Adult Daycare Center, LLC is no longer seeking funding.