
Raising 150k to build a biding ride sharing app

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There will be two types of rides on the platform: “Solo Ride(In-Driver)” and “Rideshare(Bla Bla)”. In this platform the solo ride booking is bid based for the drivers as they can offer their prices. In-Driver Taxi Booking (Solo Ride)Customers can book a taxi/cab from this application. In this section Customers can add pickup and drop off location and as per their added locations, they will get a recommended price on the platform and the drivers will share their offers for the ride as per recommended price and customer can just accept or reject the offers from driver and can not put their offered price. They can use different payment options like Cards via Debit or Credit. Drivers will receive the request from the customers with the recommended price suggested by the platform and can send their offers according to that price and can provide cab service if accepted by the customer. Bla Bla RideShare Taxi Booking: Customers can share their rides with other users, consisting of multiple pickups and drop-off locations. Drivers will have multiple ride requests with multiple pickups and drop-off locations. Admin will be able to manage drives, rides, Customers, Drivers, and Platform Content- About Us, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions. Admin will be able to add driver's details, where admin will have to upload documents & information of drivers will be able to re-upload the documents.

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