California Contractor is a 30 minute Home Improvement Reality Television Show Coming to Fox 5 San Diego.
- California Contractor connects the audience to local small businesses who can provide them with the information they can use when planning a major renovation
- The Show targets homeowners aged 30+ who are middle to upper middle income.
- Giving increases happiness, we give LOTS of advice
- Breaking out of routine makes people happier, this show is much different than any mainstream media home improvement show you can find right now.
- California Contractor shows all the decisions that must be made before a contractor can even be engaged in the project…. something no other show highlights
- The show airs on Fox 5 San Diego on September 12th following Sunday Night Football.
- We have filmed 13 episodes for Season 1. We begin filming Season 2 in January 2022.
- Our title Sponsor has been secured
SBMS is a female-owned marketing and PR agency for the construction industry. We are currently managing two large accounts which bring in a steady income stream monthly. They are clients who have worked with us since the inception of the company - but even better than that, we have worked with them since the inception of THEIR companies (
Classic Home Improvements,
Classic Custom Homes, and their newest company, In House Supply Company.
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