The Recent Catastrophic Wildfires that have Burned California Need our Help. As a Native Californian I hate to just standby a watch our State go up in Smoke Literally.
We Intend to help, Our Past experience as a Cal Fire Firefighter, and a Cal Fire Equipment Contractor gives us an insight as to what New Equipment California needs to have to help do this. In the past we have supplied Cal Fire with Dozers, Lowbed Trucks, Water Trucks, Trucks with Water Trailers, and Potable Water Truck and Trailers. We even Patented a Water Dozer in the early 90's Patent # 5, 113, 946. It was not accepted by the Fire Industry at the time, and that patent has now expired. However we want to pursue this line in a Big Way, as well as other Fire Equipment Capabilities in order to Help keep these huge fires from running free.
If you hate breathing smoke when these catastrophic fires happen you can help us by providing startup funding.
Cal Fire, and the US Forest Service as well as other Nearby States will be our Clients. We worked with Cal Fire for 15 years.
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