My Business is a Well Being and Financial Support Services for Families. I need Funding to consolidate and for the start up of what I visualize as a 3 in 1 project venture. This project venture is birthed from personal experiences, observations , as well as some acquired disciplines that I uphold at the very highest of importance if not totally
necessary for a simple and yet rich family dynamics as I navigate and learn to live in a one income household with a small family contribution to contribute to the expenses of my family day to day living. It would be unrealistic to minimize the challenges and unprecedented times but when the financial and accountability supports are available - what an awesome model to adopt to while raising little ones and strengthen the family bonds structure and foundations. Thus, it is from the place of the challenges and unprecedented times
that I am requesting this funding to first create a case by case Financial Membership Model to support any family who desires to downgrade from a two income family to create a more upgrade purpose filled setting for their families. This Membership can be the payoff of a Mortgage, a car, an investment, towards the future or for the growth of the members; but no member is left without each member 's accountability. Second, the vision is a 3 in 1 venture that are interconnected to build and to keep families present to care and be more involved in the aspect of the mundane of one another's lives therefore, this part of the project is a Pet Inn for families who wished to own Pets or small animals without the Hassle. For example, my children love Pets but because of our family settings is not possible to add another expense and care for a pet but I can offer the services and still be present to them while servicing other families as well. The third Component is a Tutoring service, this is part a dream . Both of my children show great interest in the Art forms so I see it as an opportunity to make it available for other families who are incline and desire to teach and share their skills while they are teaching and caring for their children. I can provide the facility by managing , marketing and operating it to create a place where the families can play, work and share together. In a nut shell, my business model is a 3 in 1 facility that provides a platform where a group of families who share a common vision can come together and support one another as Members, Accountability Partners Providers. I see great potential for robust financial profits to pay back investor(s) or a loan in timely manners. In addition, I have academic background in Bio-Sciences, Business, and Health Services and can be very creative , enjoy helping others to be their best; so this marriage of the 3 in 1 project ventures can very well be the call. My hope is that how ever or whoever decide to invest in this project will find it worthy to realize and in turn, make more than dreams come true. As a result, save and open many doors that will otherwise remain shut. Finally, this project is like a pregnancy to me. I have been carrying these ideas for quiet sometimes in different light but it always take me to the same place. This time , it is too uncomfortable to not press on. Please let press on and bring this project to fruition with me.
I thank you for your consideration(s) and look forward to hear from you soon.
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