BTE Import-Export, LLC

Increase Sales and Marketing activity.

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We are a small Import-Export firm, seeking funding to increase our product Inventory, and sales and marketing activity. 

Our present need now, is the secure around  $12,500 USD. to purchase inventory from our UK supplier.  To both utilize at an upcoming  Restaurant show, and 
for presentation at several in-country Trade missions, during the second half of the year.  The supplier has slightly over 300 buyers of their products, and wants to have 
our firm service those customers, while also introducing new products as they come on-board.  I have been in touch with a number of the customers, and their greatest 
concern/complaint, was the shipping costs coming from the UK. Our supplier and we believe,  if  there is more products in-country, that will enable a good number of the 
current customers to make more frequent purchases, and grow our sales activity. 

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