Raising $500K to build a house for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder..

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My idea is to partner with someone that is interested to build an  autism friendly home design . I have free and clear lot in Punta Gorda that I’m willing to put towards the project as a down payment. As an entrepreneur , I’m asking for my work in advance a flat fee of $30,000.  This is including my fees for the hotel and flights. I will focus to find the right builder and everything has to do with the construction and design a home for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

Airbnb cost $99 per day.  Comparable 27907 Solomon Dr Punta Gorda ARV $800-$900K.

 This is will be the 1 home build with this purpose. I’m planning to build later on a multi family and I will provide details later on, This will be kind of the model home .

Looking forward to find the right candidate ….
Don’t miss this awesome opportunity !!!!

Dream Money Houses 

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