BOSSDAWG TREE REMOVALS is a newer up and coming small business based from DESERONTO ONTARIO looking to grow into big time business We are rated 4.9 on Google review of business 
I have built a crew that are always setting the work bar higher and higher safety and work performance 
From my lead climber to my groundsman to my chipper machine operator 
Business has been outta pocket start up from day 1 no bank loans etc 

With extra funding I wish to purchase  new or good used equipment to increase productivity less heavy arm loading dragging etc use a mini skid steer with attachments, 2  dump trailers  , 3-4 good  used trucks to haul equipment such as trailers chippers etc 
( 18-24 inch industrial chipper machines to increase speed and clean up removal speeds as I'm struggling to keep cleaning up sites with having to pay others to do it without my own machine 

Towbehind boom lift to add safety and add more tree removals to our schedule as I can have 2 crews at multiple sites increasing my work pay load and speed of dangerous tree removals needing chipper machine 

Looking to buy or rent property in local area to set up an office ie mobile trailer set up  for customers to visit instead of work from apartment setup currently 
Set up wood yard for blocking up wood 🪵 to sell 
Industrial wood splitters 2 -3 once yard wood piles are built up and woodchips can be sold as well  as I have a property that is a central location can be bought as we speak in shannonville area 15 mins from my place 
$75,000 likely will buy it asking $88,000 
2.06 acres perfect set up 
Hydro hook up is there 
No well 
No sewer but I have ideas of setting up off grid living as I can live in a modified rv trailer which inside 5 years  will increase the property value if I decide to go bigger in my business thoughts to even larger scale ⚖️ 

Update on all climbing and rigging gear from the best saddles to climbing safety gear to new ropes etc 

Extra funding to support payroll for crew as I am eyeing full health /dental package for my devoted young crew who have believed in what I'm wanting to accomplish in the tree removal business and for their loyalty I want to invest in my business and my crew members that intend to be a major factor of my business plans increasing and staying for the long term future 

Being able to support mechanical issues keeping our equipment at tip top performance thru setting up a direct account with local area garages keeping our equipment downtime to minimal delays as compared to atm circumstances increasing our customers and productivity 

I believe in myself I know I'm the under dog with an amazing cast of supporters that believe in myself when all others said I would never become successful yet operate a business in tree removals 
However thru mistake trust leading to valuable lessons I've rebuilt BOSSDAWG TREE REMOVALS to an established threat in the industry on my own accord and absolute drive to never quit something I have such passion for and an awesome crew I've assembled in the short term to becoming nominated this year as DESERONTO MALE BUSINESSMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD so far I'm #1 vote getter as my local hometown really believes in myself and my BOSSDAWG TREE REMOVALS business that everyone hopes I win as I'm well deserving of such an award !!

Pay all debts incurred ($30,000 max ) which tarnished my 5 star credit as I was frauded with the bills for helping others after items were rented / purchased on my great credit score so for this to be off my mind for once would so much stress relief from my life 

We give back as much as possible to our local area with donations of wood 🪵 ensuring folks unable to afford wood  are warm especially our senior customer base 
We would love to have more involvement in our local area charities with a bank roll to accomplish this much easier 
I want to expand my business with more hires with increased sales for tree removal needs with our large service area ranging up to 1.5 hrs -2.0 hrs travel for all large tree removal customers 
Expansion into property tree clearing late 2024 has made my crew even hungrier to establish our solid reputation in the community of 200% efforts and always going above and beyond for our customers 
Driven to back our big BARK UP as the best 

Advertising is our main downfall atm ie yard signs,  flags , radio ads etc as we have been strictly social media fb and word of mouth due to out of  pocket paying not having financial capacity to jump on advertising opportunities that we currently have offers from golf courses , restaurant wanting to add our awesome looking logo to their inside billboards bringing large amounts of eyes to our services 

Business  made over $100,000 in 2024 in our first real full work year since opening in 2022 and dealing with significant setbacks I aim $250-350,000 in 2025 with your financial help to achieve my dreams of becoming an even more  successful Serious tree removal business in 2025 and feature !!
BOSSDAWG TREE REMOVALS is sitting on the cusp of taking over our area as we speak 
With financial support and some good used or new equipment to support my claim as the BOSSDAWG in 2025 aim to be a dominate force as a number 1 rated tree removal business 
We want all the biggest trees and the big contracts to show why we are the best around 

SERIOUS INQUIRIES  of interest for investment in BOSSDAWG TREE REMOVALS if you believe in myself and what I want to achieve !!
I won't quit what I love doing daily but on my own the large scale progression of my business likely not to happen 
I'll never ask for a handout I'm fully willing to work even harder for the life I want to experience,  a god honest hard days work is something Noone will ever afford to take away from myself 
Driven to experience the lifestyle I've never had before it's reason why we are open Monday-Sunday including holiday and emergency tree removal services from wind damage 

I aim to keep my business prices competitive yet affordable to all our customers with word of mouth reputation being our number 1 business strategy atm as I'm very much learning the business marketing etc daily as I'm more the brains with the tree removal aspect not the paperwork involved but I'm very much willing to learn from those with the experience in business 

I have done plenty of homework for creating buyer friendly equipment thru contacting around to carve a great deal especially cash deals towards equipment ie chipper machine,  used trucks at a cash cost thru dealers in local area especially buying multiple 
Would luv to get business gear done up to advertise on equipment for the business 

2 large triple axel dump trailers very good used equipment have deals set up with warranty included with a trailer company the bigger the better for clean up haulage in a trailer 

613 848-8326 ask for David  I'd love to just talk if backing the ROCKY BALBOA of the tree removal business 
I'm here to take over the area with your financial assistance I honestly believe the sky is just a start 

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