Booker Creek Management LLC

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Real estate investment opportunity: Form an investment group with up to five investors to purchase property in Saratoga and sub divide into 5 acre custom home building lots.  Our intention is to double the investment of $600K in three years. Our management and development team consists of two contractors, both with over twenty years building experience and a Real Estate agent with over thirty years . Call Larry Lic: # RE00582054 at 408-472-3813 for more information or email at
Currently these type of lots sell for 1.1 to 1.5 million each in Saratoga. There will be a total of five prime lots and two sub prime lots and one temporary office.  In order to develop the land We will put in road, street lights, bridge, water tank and 4" water line to the front of each lot for fire safety within 500 ft, large water storage, office, electric gate and an area to board horses if needed. We will require solar/wind energy to be off grid as much as possible.  We will have an attorney with realestate expertise work on getting the needed approvals.

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