BluChip project

Raising 250,000 to invest, manage, and consult businesses.

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Westo Holding LLC;  is a financial, management, and consulting company that invest in select industries
  1. Identify Your Market Size
    Companies main expenses are day to day operations. This includes labor, leases, rent, and  utilities    
  2. Showcase Market Growth
    COVID has created stressed on many companies some are on the verge of bankruptcy or even closure. These circumstances have created opportunity in markets  
  3. How are You Going to Monetize It
    We make smart investments to invest or purchases other companies to improve and sustain.
  4. Showcase Traction (what you've done so far)
    We currently have a name and a clear vision on how to sustain this company.
  5. Team Highlights - Highlight Team Experience
    Our team has reached out to several business owners to gain prospective on the current market. 

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BluChip project is no longer seeking funding.