Identify Your Market Size
The foodservice industry is forecast to reach $997 billion in sales in 2023 (National Restaurant Association)
How are You Going to Monetize It
We are currently under 20% food cost, at 20% labor to produce our product and our rent is at 15% - 18% depending our location. It costs nominal to open a location and we are looking to open 50 in the next 3 - 5 years.
Showcase Traction (what you’ve done so far)
We have 2 locations and 3 more locations but we're restricted by cash flow. We're hoping to partner or find an investor who will not only fund us but willing to work with us to help us sustain our current financial goals.
Team Highlights - Highlight Team Experience
Our team initially started as a pop-up food tent, then we opened up a small kiosk at our local mall. From there, people all over the world came to try our product. The product is a Jian Bing, a Chinese Street Crepe that people from far and wide like to try. It is considered China's most popular street food.
From there in 2021, we expanded to two brick and mortar inline spaces. Our locations make $10k and $25k - $30k respectively. We have the opportunity to open 3 more locations, unfortunately we are unable to keep up with the offers and we feel without additional investment and guidance we may lose on these other opportunities.
We are run by two business owners: Quincy and Beldon.
Quincy is an MBA graduate from the University of Hawaii and Beldon is a BA in Marketing. You may read more about our story here:
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