Establish an affordable cancer resort that will use natural healing methods to prevent and defeat cancer.
My name is Ron Harder. I am working on putting together a health Resort in the country of Belize that will focus on the prevention and treatment of Cancer using natural methods.
The cancer clinics I have been able to locate are in Mexico and they use things like Chemo etc. to get rid of Cancer. My thoughts are is that you have to address the cause of the problem in order to defeat it. I have been involved in Natural Health for over 20 years, have learned a lot about cancer, how to prevent it and how to defeat it using Natural Methods. It's all about diet, removing the toxins from your body etc.
All of the above is in a book I wrote three years ago. Cancer patients are becoming aware that Chemo does not get rid of cancer and they would love to hear about Natural methods that can defeat this disease, and at just a fraction of the cost of "Conventional" therapy.
Thank you.
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