Jump-start Fundraising

We could do Fundraising if we just had some Seed Money ...

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Our Founder/Director has opportunities to speak at Churches and charitable organizations to garner donations and raise support for the orphans.

However he is not able to tap into this potential, due to ...
-working part-time jobs to make ends meet
-no travel allowance
-no office to co-ordinate his itinerary or follow-up on pledges

It would 'prime the pump' if our director could get ... 
   Three months' living wages ($10K)
      plus extra for travel expenses ($5K)
   Three months' living wages for an office person ($7.5K)
      plus extra for office machines ($2.5K)
   Three months operating expenses ($30K)
      for food, staff, rent, transportation  ...
totalling $55,000 USD.

Our Director, Pastor Jometre Coquillon (a.k.a. "Pastor J") should have been a statistic, growing up under the crushing poverty and chaos of Haiti.  However he benefitted from a Mission School -- both spiritually and academically -- persevering until he had Ordination plus a degree in Business.
Rather than relax into the comfortable American lifestyle, 
he divides his time between Miami, where he shepherds a Haitian-American congregation, and Gressier, where 42 kids consider him "Dad" and the local staff are pleased to be part of "one of the finest organizations raising the next generation of Haitians."

Please see more at gracioushands.org ~~ Thank you!

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