bearpaa electronic llc

need funding to manufacture and sell smart doorbell

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I have something here that you are going to want to take a look at. Bearpaa has created a product that revolutionizes the way we interact with our homes. We’re convinced this product is going to fly off shelves and completely dominate the market. 


Why? It's all because of our company's game-changing product. We just patented the Bellpage, this is a big deal, similar companies with inferior products have had record sales, and could not keep up with the demand. Investors made ridiculous money.


Many new patents sell for hundreds of millions of dollars on their promise alone. Some go on to be worth Billions with a capital B.  Here is an opportunity for you to invest in this home tech breakthrough before it gets priced beyond reach.   


Let me explain how this whole thing works.  Grab a piece of paper write my name & # down My phone number is 832-392-0256.   Our website is


 We are a revolutionary home technology company that develops connected home devices, like the smart doorbell. 


Here at Bearpaa, we have patented the smart doorbell which offers unparalleled level of connectivity, surveillance, communication, freedom and interaction.  do you know how ineffective current solutions to these problems in the smart home market are? This is projected to be a 100-Billion-dollar industry by 2020. 


There are 2 ways to make money in this investment. 

The first option is to profit from the sale of the smart doorbell patent.  As I mentioned before The smart doorbell is unique because for the first time we have a truly interactive doorbell system that allows both guest and owner to see and view each other. You can also get delivery and manifest sent to you on your phone or sign for package.  You can open and close your door and arm and disarm your security system. There will even be social media connectivity for the added ability to keep in contact with your friends and family.

 We are selling Patent/Intellectual Property in units of ownership. 1 Unit sells for $100,000. This patent has a value of $5,000,000 based on the latest valuations.


We intend to take this product to market. However, obviously a larger company will probably buy up this patent long before that. Patents have sold for $50 million up to $200 million dollars and more. At just $50 million dollars, the sale of the patent would generate $500,000 dollars return for each 1% Unit holder. So, $100,000 invested, 

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