Amplibotics AI

Enabling prompt driven control of robotic arms for industrial use.

At Amplibotics AI we're doing foundational AI for robotics.
Two of the three founders were previous founders of a different robotics company for the last decade and have strong backgrounds in the engineering of robotics and the business development in this industry.
The third founder is an AI expert who's been working with us for the last 4 years on robotics.

The previous company was called Haddington Dynamics which designed robotic arms from scratch.
We started Had ington a decade ago, sold hundreds of robots, successfully exited for $25m, and now we're taking the same team to start the next exciting project.

Amplibotics AI is creating a solution that unlocks the full potential of what existing robots can do with the simplest possible interface: prompt based control. 
We are narrowly focused on just robotic arms targeting industrial use.

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