Need funding to acquire an existing business. The business is a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation company that's been in existence for two decades. This is a recession proof business that currently grosses $4.5M per year.
The company currently operates with about 70 employees and 64 wheelchair vans transporting people back and forth to medical appointments, nursing homes, senior day care centers, dialysis treatments and more. This industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry and continues to grow more and more each year. The company already has numerous existing long-term contracts in place with a variety of clients including federal, local, and state contracts.
I am currently seeking a $500K investment or loan to cover half of the asking price for the business. I have a vast amount of experience in this space. I previously founded a successful Non-Emergency Medical Transportation company and built it up to a multi-million dollar operation before selling it over several years ago and now I'm looking to get back into the industry.
I hope that you can see the value of the return of your investment and share my vision. Thank you for your consideration and looking forward to hearing from you.
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