I found pure, cohesive Nitrogen gas handles many crises and am prepared to train and certify those using it. Five major proposals were submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Underground and wildfire control, architectual components as smoke abatement, fixed Nitrogen fire control in place of water sprinkler systems and silent and powerless air conditions, converting fire departments from water use to pure Nitrogen gas use, and, last for energy, freeze fracking oil shale and hot Nitrogen extraction.
The inheritance is available and will be sent next week if the $300 from me is provided with the $400 put in by the fund attorney and $300 from the International Department head at Apex Bank where the funds are in the account. We must complete the $1,000 fee to finally receive the $10,200,000 Lawson fund next week. Your help of providing $300 which will handle our ability to cover the entire $1,000 fee due TODAY - January 8, 2022.
See the book Nitrogen Pure Keeps Life on Earth which I can send as an e-book and we are ready to print it. Archway Publishers, a section of Simon and Schuster has a bid for its publishing and marketing this 80 pager. We share evenly the sales price, as I understand which here too starts an income. This has a 6 month payment program we will be carrying to start.
Providing $300 puts AirWars Defense lp into the commercialization phase of operations starting with the world-wide ending of major underground fires, coal mine or landfill, which will have a 3% reduction in heating the waters of this earth in the two years it takes to complete this task.
For this assistance today I offer one percent (1%) of the partnership AirWars Defense lp which can be converted to the IPO corporation, CryoRain Inc. as we get underway. Also, you may choose repayment of the loan with interest and award for the immediate provision.
I will provide the bitcoin transfer information to make the payment. Then you can e-mail the bitcoin receipt to me as proof of investment or loan.
I am most grateful to this backer of my work providing pure Nitrogen gas to be used rather than water in emergency management situations.
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