Addictive Personalities Anonymous New York

Raising fifty thousand dollars to sustain the current business model and grow more quickly.

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Addictive Personalities Anonymous New York is loosely modeled after A.A. and N.A. . We are a for profit company. We are designed to work when A.A. / N.A. / Rehab fails to work. We just incorporated as a New York S corporation August 5th of 2023. We already have two reoccurring meetings in place in Corning New York to spread the word. We currently offer three products for success in sobriety.  Thirteen, twenty-six and fifty-two weeks to change your life. These services require a small refundable fee (when successful) from the clients. We offer in person meetings and have also reached into Pennsylvania and have a web site dedicated to New York ( ) and Pennsylvania ( ) 

Our clients are everywhere. We are currently only servicing a fraction of New York and Pennsylvania. Our goal is to be as widely spread and recognized as A.A. and N.A. over a twenty-year period of time. In the short term year one we are focusing New York,  Pennsylvania and Delaware. These locations have been requested by a corporate sponsor that will be disclosed once an NDA is in place. The corporate sponsor is looking to use us as a means to offer their employees an avenue to get sober before being terminated. The corporate sponsor will pay the fee we charge for our services. 

So how do we make money? That is the "secrete sauce". Contact me and sign an N.D.A. and I will divulge this information. 

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